
Does Channel 7 even read the disgust from EVERYONE about their coverage? ?

by  |  earlier

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All i read from people here is how bad their coverage is. and i agree. But do Channel 7 realise this? Is there a way to contact them without using this :P




  1. I agree.  Try going through the actual Ch7 website to lodge your complaint.  I've been greatly disappointed and tonight the coverage has been dumped for Football in Victoria.  I've turned off and am watching a DVD instead.

  2. I am sorry to say news coverage in this country pretty much on most stations sailed a long time ago. Its all pretty much Fluff pieces. I don't know if you noticed but at least a third of all these programs when they are not doing stale news and fluff pieces are commercials, promos, and bumpers. That's at least one out of every three minutes. The Internet is a good place to get news. Also I would suggest the foreign press. WI-Fi Radio I like a lot. Getting back to your question. They really don't care how aw full that there news coverage is. All that they care about is if there advertisers are getting enough viewers from the stations Idiotic coverage of from the tedious to the meaningless to satisfy the sponsors so the dollars keep rolling in. In short they don't give a dam what the viewers think.

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