
Does Cheapcycle belong to a parent organization like Freecycle & ReUseIt does?

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I belong to 7 Cheapcycle groups in FL, 1 of them is Cheapcycle Orlando. I made a Wanted post on all my groups asking for Albertsons Stamps. It was posted to all of them except Orlando. I emailed the group owner asking why & was told the site isn't for asking for free items, if I was willing to buy them then I could post it.

I checked the group site homepage & files folder & nowhere could I find that free items couldn't be asked for. I searched thru messages & found that others have made Wanted posts (not WTB), Offer, & Free posts.

It also surprised me that they just dismissed the message instead of rejecting my message & explaining why. If I hadn't emailed the group owner, I would have never known about their 'rule'.

I know that Freecycle & ReUseIt groups both belong to a parent organization with rules & guidelines they have to follow, I'm just wondering if that is also the case for Cheapcycle or if each group gets to just do as they please?




  1. Cheapcycle is a pretty loosely run concept, but yes, there is someone coordinating things. But each group gets a lot of latitude, so there could be inconsistencies like what you ran into.

    She also runs the yahoo group that lists the Cheapcycles, so I'd email the -owner address (on the front page) and see if she can help. Perhaps it can be discussed on the Cheapcycle moderators group if there is no rule.

    Personally, it is a *sale* group, so I can understand why a moderator might make that call.

  2. i think they are supposed to be under a parent organisation, but recycle by selling things cheaply, not freely (unlike freecycle) - hence i suppose the rule in orlando

    The best source for finding recommended Cheapcycle groups is the Yahoo! Group named Cheapcycle Groups, which lists accepted groups. A sales group is not required to use the word cheapcycle to be included as a recommended sales group. Click this link to find this group and its listings.

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