
Does China's rising power bother you?

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I had one respondent who asked if I had ever visited China. No, nor Venus but I do believe that it is inhospitable because as a "reader" I have enough information to come up with a plausible answer. Perhaps I should only ask questions and insist that responders have an I.Q. that doesn't start with a decimal point!




  1. Yes. they have never truly trusted Americans (if you follow history) I believe they are going (and currently are)to produce so many of our products not to mention the debt we are in from the war that they are going to be able to say and do whatever they want and we pretty are going to jump.  Remember the breed soldiers and our country is such a liar a stray dog will not join the armed services.

  2. No when we fall they fall.

  3. To the one above me: "here, fetch, Fido, China food for you",

    c'mon' little puppie, bring the slippers to your chinese master

  4. First off, the statement under your question, even if all the grammatical errors were corrected, still wouldn't make sense.  Second, I'm exponentially more worried about the bush family's rising power, China has never taken away a single iota of my civil rights, started any unjust wars just because they "want that oil", and not a single chinese person has ever insulted my intelligence by pretending they were elected president of the united states by the people, when in reality he was appointed by his father's golfing buddies.  By the way, for those of you who ARE worried by china's rising power, perhaps you shouldn't be funding their economy by shopping at walmart or buying ANY electronic device.....  how do you like them apples?

  5. Why should China's rise to power bother me, or us?  In the U.S. we espouse competition and open markets as being the best for the country.  Right?  We have gone as far as to have a foriegn trade policy that advocates this position.  Well now that we have competition shouldn't we embrace this?  Mind you I don't agree with China's doctrine for the most part, I am aware of their record on Human Rights, Communism and so forth. But, America has brought this on herself, for we are viewed as an arrogant Actor.  Russia, China and some of the Oil rich nations, like Iran, Venezuela and Iraq, just a side note, Iran and Iraq are religiously and politically Shia dominated, since we crushed the Sunni's who the late Saddam Hussein's clan was the ruling class.  Now we have the added complication of the Shia Crescent being a permanent fixture in the region.  So, China has risen and others are rising as a counter weight to the United States.  Now we have to strap it up and compete.  If we don't we lose.

    What I like about the situation is that it requres a greater competence in leadership in the Congress and the US Presidency.  We are forced to bring to the front our best minds, and not settle for mediocrity at the point and brilliance in the back. Yes. It is a new day.  The old boy system will no longer cut it, nor will political dynasties for the sake of.  

    This is Darwinism and this what our elected political leadership has told the people that this is best. So, why should it bother you about China's rising power?

  6. Yes. After the war on terror gets tiresome China and the US will be at each others throats.

    We sell China high technology that they use in missile guidance systems and they sell us cheap labor to put Americans out of work.

    It's good news if you own a factory, but bad news if you worked in one.

  7. no

  8. Yes cause they are the one who will sell us the rope!!

  9. What bothers me is they hold 1 trillion dollars in US currency.

  10. Yes, it bothers me, but no more than the power of the US, Great Britain, Russia et al. What really bothers me is people in developed countries who would deny China it's transition to power while supporting their own countries dominant position. That is Hypocrisy on horseback.

  11. No, I don't think it should bother me... I rather intend to think the growing China could be an excellent opportunity for US.

    Although there are many many difference between the two countries, but overall, the relationship is still good, each other has billions of the trades, and I think China is heading exactly the same way US would like it to go, except  China being China, it is extremely slow in the political reform and Chinese being Chinese, just love saving face too much.

    I think the growing resentment in the Islamic world brothers me more.

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