
Does China Considers War Against U.S.A. Over Earthquake 'Attack'?

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Photos prove 90 Million Watt, Pulsed, Long-Wave, Radio Waves from HAARP array in Alaska, combined with Pulsed Microwaves from a US Military Satellite in orbit, caused Chinese land to 'resonate.'

As the land began resonating, it's own movement tore itself apart, causing the massive earthquake




  1. Why so much unbelievable imaginary. This is how people are mistaking their own relatives by hearing the advice of the astrologer. Nothing is true.Don't suspect others for natural disasters. We must be care full to manage the situation instead of blaming others. If at all if US wants to distube China it should have aimed Beijing not the other places.

  2. What are you smokin'???

  3. The recent earthquake activity in China was a result of the convergence of the Indian subcontinent with the Asian mainland. This convergence (which buildings up the Himalayas) activated large dip-slip faults in China.

    No conspiracy. No attack. I bet you think man has never been to the moon or someone else shot JFK.

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