
Does China´s rising power bother you?

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If you are then you will forgo purchasing Chinese products. You can´t really influence Russia because they have the energy resources and they realize that they have the hole card but the story is different with the Chinese, they need us and the rest of the civilized world in order to keep their society appeased with jobs and the prospect of prosperity. They are empty shells without us!

You can help by avoiding shopping at any large chain that sells their products which means that you should just stop shopping! This will put the us and the rest of the world intoa recession (depression?) but will also stop the future menace of a world dominated by an avowed communist state!

Every Walmart purchase just enriches this repressive country whose leaders know what is right for each of it´s citizens.

I am not anti-Chinese, just anti-Chinese government. I am for defending all that believe that the people ultimately make the decisions not those that appoint themselves as decision




  1. Have you ever been  to China ?

    I am not sure that you talk about a country you know.

    Whether you like it or not, it would be better for you to know your topic before debating about.

  2. not even a little bit...the low cost of Chinese products helps off set the rising price of gasoline

  3. Yes, while we spend all our attention on Islamic states China continues to grow militarily larger and better equipped. Guess what, they are doing much of it with our dollars. Another failure of this administration. I try not to buy Chinese when possible, but it is hard not to. The only saving grace, in my estimation, is that we owe them so much money they can't afford to see us go broke or be destroyed.

  4. A little.

  5. somewhat. the thing i dont understand is that this administration keeps attacking pepople like chavez, but remains "friends"with an country with one of the highs rate of violations of human rights.

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