
Does Chinese monitor answers.ya & inserts propaganda on subversive questions/answers?

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Does anyone have info on why everytime any news/info which is a slant on CHINA is discussed on ans.ya, these same avatars seem to always appear in total Denial? Sounding much like some trench-coated propaganda-spinner. Very odd.

Does Yahoo still give China the keys?




  1. Oh.. you are super smart!  

    Truely, I get paid to do so, I have just got back to Hong Kong from Beijing.  It is too hot that I can't wear trench-coat, but to tell you the truth, we wear different costumes here in China.

  2. I'm Canadian but I live in China because of my dad's job, and personally, I'm really offended by what the first person said. China is actually a really great place- its just that most people look at its bad.

    As for your question, a lot of things online are blocked by the Chinese Government, so that might be the case. Otherwise, I don't know..

  3. Nothing good can come  from a country that put it's own people into slavery and use a economic terrorism to spread it's bad stuff accross the world.

  4. According to the gang of four into one I work for the CIA and I spend lies and hatefulness towards the Chinese people.

    But these avatars that you say are most likely the ones who are living in China, these expats have communities which have there own expat websites and news of such things spends like wildfire down them. By the time it hits the likes of you it is old news and it would have been talked about.

    The article that you mention is almost year old and has been talked about many times on expat/Chinese websites/forums.

    As for yahoo's part in it, that is the ugly face of capitalism, if yahoo didn't hand them over it would had most likely lost a huge amount of business, and may had been blocked in China.

    If you strongly disagree about that yahoo did then I suggest you boycott using there products and that includes yahoo answers.

  5. They are brainwashed, so forgive them. Traditional/Communist culture is all about brainwashing. If a foreigner in China says one negative thing (example: the air seems a little polluted today) they will accuse the foreigner of hating China. They are taught only to love, honor and respect the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). They are taught that the CCP saved China from the destruction by the foreigners. They are taught that the CCP has brought them the current economic prosperity.

    Do you think it is easy to control a population of 1.3 billion people! Different strokes for different folks!

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