
Does Chris Judd want to come back to the WCE already? Will Carlton release him?

by  |  earlier

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On the news tonight - he speaks with his best mate Daniel Kerr three or four times a week. He is missing Perth & doesn't like being at Carlton.

Do you think Carlton will release him back here for next season. No use having someone who doesn't want to be there - they wont get the best out of him if they refuse to let him go.




  1. idk

  2. lmao at this

    dream on

  3. mate on a lighter note than the weekend all I'll say is navy blue will suit Kerr to a tee................the captain jumped the sinking ship now the rats want to follow (Embley,Kerr).bring em on -we'll even trade you Kerr for Jordan Russel sound fair??


  4. No and No.

    The Eagles wouldnt want him back. Hes still a crock.

  5. mmm.. nah it doesn sound like imawunda does it...

    But just for the sake of it... dream on bullwinkle..

    @#%&$ you had me goin tho I looked for an hour for some proof to support it... I found the Harvey / Tarrent media saga interview... No wonder I couldn find hints of Judd bein homesick!!

    Nice curve ball..

  6. somehow i think this is not imawunda, don't think he would ask stupid questions like this somehow.

    so i will answer anyway, he wouldn't of said that, there you go.

  7. No.

    He wouldn't get a game with the Eagles now, anyway.

  8. Did he say this?

    I don't think he would have. He doesn't seem the type of person to say anything negative about his current or any former clubs

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