
Does Clinton's inane claim to have won the popular vote reinforce the stereotype that women can't do math?

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Sorry. It's a cheapshot, but just too easy to pass up. Personally, I know women can do math. My mom is an accountant.




  1. No, but it does kind of hit on another stereotype, the insanely jealous, irrational woman who only thinks of herself.  I can't see how any woman thinks this is a good thing.  What's worse are the women who are democrats who say they'll vote for McCain because Hillary isn't the nominee.  Excuse me?  So, you would vote for someone who'll appoint anti abortion judges, keep us in Iraq until 2013, and basically try to overturn everything you agree with?  I'm not sure who's crazier her or her followers.

  2. Yes it is only particularly HER . There are plenty of other women who would have answered Senator Obama's calls last night. I am tired of the people saying how she is the only woman who could have ever been elected and now their chance is gone. There are many other women who actually would be the nominee now. Its just that she is who she is and thats why she lost but she will never never give up so we need to continue to be vigilant

  3. I suppose this far-fetched take on a trivial news item does have some entertainment value: your delusion of being "oh so witty" is good for a few laughs.  Keep the unintended comedy coming, citizen.

  4. no because she has won the popular vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. She's like Jason, or Michael Myers from the horror films.

    No matter how many times she's killed ,she just keeps coming back ! AHHHHH!

  6. no, it reinforces the stereotype that politicians will play shadow games with numbers in an attempt to dupe the people.

  7. So far in my life, I've heard much of this

    "stereotype" of women being incapable of doing math.

    However, I've seen much more evidence of just the opposite being true. If from nothing else, then at least from so many divorced men crying of how she knew "exactly" how much from the total amount, constitutes 50%.

    "randomz" in his answer, speaks of how shocked he is to hear so many Democrat women say they will vote for McCain rather than the Democrat simply because the nominee is not Hillary. He is shocked to discover how they would, by doing so, be willing to sacrifice what is "right" in their view

    on most or all of the issues.

    Sacrifice or go against what is "right"!

    For the sake of feminism!

    He's lucky that it is only in this form, or in regards to something not involving him personaly, that is how he came to discover this sort of behavior.

    It's almost comical to me, to see that he would be so shocked by it. Considering that for them to go as far as to vote for McCain.

    Is not even something illegal.

  8. No, it reinforces the sterotype that politicians lie to themselves as much or more than they lie to the public.

    Pointing out that you won the POPULAR vote in a system that relies on the DELEGATE vote is like saying your football team scored more often than the other team (3 field goals to 2 touchdowns), but you still lost the game 12-9, because that is NOT how the winner is determined.

  9. ya ya ya...real cheap shot...anyway

    thats part of the problem with our voting system

    each vote doesn't stand alone...and the way it's working out

    a city vote has more power then a rural vote.

  10. Come on man, this Clinton we are talking about here.

    I won't let her lack of intelligence make me think all women are brain dead.

  11. Laaaaaame. <------- your joke

    Her claim confirms the suspicions of many that she just doesn't know when to give up. It wasn't too annoying before, but now I'm just ready to scream at her.

  12. I know this will get a lot of thumbs down, but who cares:

    If it's directed at Clinton, it's NEVER a cheap shot.

    (And just remember folks, for each TD I get, somewhere a kitten dies.)

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