
Does Creatine Monohydrate Work With Regards To Bodybuilding?

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Does it actually work as im trying to gain some more size, but there seems to be quite a lot of conflicting opinions.





  1. hi.

    I won't talk about how much you have to pay for creatine or which company make best creatine.

    I will try to explain you something about it.

    First, creatine do not put you muscles directly. It helps for ATF synthesis, which means that you will be able to recovery faster between sets.

    Also you will be able to have more ATF, which means that you will be stronger.

    Much people think that it puts you direct muscles and they think like that, because it give you more strength.

    In bodybuilding if your diet is ok more strength means more muscles, because you are able to load them up more during your training.

    My advice is to take attention of your training and nutrition. Once you have no holes  there then you can rely on supplements like creatine.

    It helps, but if your diet is not ok then do not expect miracles.

    I have tried creatine and it helped me, but it is supplement not magic pill and results normal.

    So, I think this was piece of helpful info.  Good Luck

  2. Musashi is the highest quality and safest stuff but is the most expensive. However i get it off ebay (cheap postage like 20 bucks if in same country) 4 kg lasts me a year and it costs 120 bucks. It is brilliant not just for protein but it gives so much energy in general.

    I would take it to start off as it will be a big help.I am 20 and have been going to the gym for three years. I took whey protein all they way up to about 5 months ago. I wasn't hardcore with it, i took it with milk once of twice a day. It was brilliant stuff not only did it help my muscles after the gym but it gave me so much energy it was ridiculous. I was having 5 teaspoons a day so not that much if you compare it to what they suggest (which is like 12 teaspoons a day). I took the best stuff which is musashi it actually tastes good and is the best one out there. However at the start of this year i was feeling queezy all day and felt like iw as going to throw up the entire day but i never did. Dad suggested i stop taking the stuff and a week later the feeling went away and it has not come back. So i think long term is probably bad but do it for a year to build up and you`ll be fine. It will definently speed the process up for you.

    If of course you don't want it then do what i do now. Normal milk has 8 grams of protein a glass so i have 3 glasses a day. I have eggs usually with breakfast with an apple and bran type cereal, a proper dinner every night. But the most important thing is a proper lunch. Whatever i have for dinner the night before i get mum to make extra and have it for lunch the next day. This is excellent if going to the gym after breakfast etc. So make sure you do eat properly. In the end if you weigh 80 kilograms like me you want just over 160 grams of protein a day.

    With the whole creatine thing

    Creatine is a white powder that is good when going to the gym. You obtain about 2 grams of creatine per day from eating meat and you can take extra but should not take more than 8 grams per day. creatine provides direct energy to muscle cells in the body and utilzes a lot of water. it is for this reason that if you take to much you kidneys can be affected. If you take a ridiculous amount and you do not absorb it (sits in your digestive system) then your digestive systtem is flooded with water and it can make you sick in the stomach.

    there are also other supplements such as phosphourous and nitrogen but unless you want to get real serious these are not necessary. Just remember not to take to much of anything.

  3. I have to correct Miro.  There is no such thing as ATF it is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).  ATP is the molecular fuel that provides the power for muscular contractions.

    Your body already has creatine stores.  The problem is that when you weight train, your ATP stores deplete pretty quick.  You actually produce about 2 grams a day.  Creatine is the result of 2 non-essential amino acids rginine, glycine, and methionine.

    When you take creatine it works it's way to the muscles through the blood stream and is converted to creatine phosphate.  Creatine phosphate aids in the creation of ATP.  

    So what happens is that your muscles will use up all the ATP but when it runs out you weaken.

    Taking creatine tops up those stores so you have more energy.

    More energy means you can lift longer and heavier.  That in turn makes bigger, stronger muscles.

    Short answer:

    Yes, Creatine Monohydrate does with with regards to bodybuilding.  In fact it works really well.

    The conflicting opinions comes from the fact that some people are non-responders.  Their body already has plenty creatine stores from diet.  Therefore they see no difference.  They write creatine off as a failure.

    Try it for yourself and see if it makes a difference to you.

    One final thing.  There are a few rules to getting the best out of your creatine.  Mix it in warm water with 20 grams of dextrose (Glucose Monohydrate) per 5 grams of creatine.

    The warm water is so that it absorbs better and deson't give you stomach issues.  The dextrose is because you need carbohydrates to shuttle the creatine to the muscles.  Fruit juices isn't enough of the right kind of carbs.

    There are ways to work out how much you need according to your body weight but nevermind about that.

    It's usually best to just follow the package instructions.

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