
Does Curitiba deserve its reputation for being boring?

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I'd like to hear from someone who's lived there. I visited Curitiba in June and enjoyed it enough, but when I got to Rio, the question people gave me was, "Curitiba???"




  1. I disagree.  I actually thought Curitiba was great when I visited there in January 2005.  Even though it was the height of summer in Brasil the climate suited me as it rained a lot & didn't seem that different from the European one I am used too.  When I visited there I just packed T shirts & shorts & ended up getting really cold (LOL)!  The bus services are great & there are loads of cool things to see there.  I saw loads of stuff when I was in Curitiba & I was only there 3 days.  I visited Rio too & sure that's a paradise, but it's far too hot & whereas I wasn't too worried about crime in Curitiba I was always on my guard in Rio.

  2. My goodness, I was born and raised in Curitiba. There so many things to do there. It's a beautiful city. Not boring at all. Keep in mind that people from Rio have a different mentality than people who are from Curitiba.

  3. Cariocas think that their are the only ones. A side of them that non brazilians don't know. Very proud and like to put other parts of Brazil down. Curitiba is actually rated one of the cleanest places in the world and very good place to live.

  4. Darling... I was born in Curitiba. My grand-fathers came from Poland many years ago. The most of the original population came from Europe to Southern Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul). That means or explains that Curitiba is really different to other places in Brazil. Normally, Brazil is known by Carnival (in Rio), Football (Pele), easy-girls (in Rio), favelas (in Rio), corruption, poverty (in Rio), etc...

    Living abroad, my proud when I think in "Brazil" is: I WAS BORN IN CURITIBA. Virtually is a safe place like no other in the country, wonderful places to go out at nights, beautiful girls...

    BORING?... not at all!... you just have to go out, gather your friends and get lost in the city. In fact, Curitiba has a fame of being COLD (its people). Another fame: If anything in debut launching got success, so it will be successful anywhere.

    The most people who live in Rio, sorry, they think they are the best. They don't like the southern people neither its weather (very cold for eight months a year) just because THEY ARE THE BEST!!!.

    Curitiba, as you know, is an amazing place, including the most of your people.

  5. God bless them, "cariocas" (Rio natives) love their city. Some of them can't imagine how anyone can have fun elsewhere. I've always enjoyed my visits to Curitiba (as indeed I enjoy my visits to Rio). Next time in Curitiba, take the day-trip by train through the rainforest to the port city Paranaguá.

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