
Does DMSO make any organic material be ingested through the skin?

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If so -is it possible to immerse cannabis resin in DMSO and imbibe in this way-thereby bypassing the harmful smoking of said product?




  1. DMSO on its own is not dangerous and is actually used in a series of medical treatments. However, it is dangerous when used as a solvent for other  toxic compounds because, as you have mentioned, it readily passes though the skin and can take dissolved matter with it. It will even pass through standard latex gloves. So in principle it you are right and you could get some dissolved organic product into the blood stream.

    However unless you are processing and extracting the pure active ingredient in cannabis, you will also get everything else (which may usually be stopped in the lung) going into the blood stream as well, which may not be good. I also imagine it would be hard to get the drug into your bloodstream as fast as you can by smoking.

    Interesting idea, but not one to be used at home.

  2. did anyone actually mention that this is a potent solvent and it should not be messed with?

    imho: if you want to find a neat new canabis delivery system, use a nebuliser or some sort of rapid fire injector ( the ones out of star trek)

  3. Certainly compounds dissolved in DMSO can pass through the skin.  Although have you ever smelt DMSO?!  It smells like rotting cabbage - I guess you'd have your cannabis all to yourself though as I can't see anyone wanting to sit next to you!

  4. I think DMSO isn't completely inert either, so you might end up with a nice high that could be your last... I wouldn't try it in any case...

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