
Does DON IMUS sometimes FORGET that he's NOT a racist?

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Does DON IMUS sometimes FORGET that he's NOT a racist?




  1. i think he's cool!!! i wish he was still on nbc.

  2. He's not a racist. I don't even like the guy's show, but let's not call everyone you don't agree with a racist.

  3. I was shocked and yes the "Pac" had been arrested six times up there, but he has not been in one shootout at a strip club since he became a Cowboy.  Still don't know what he said, but must not have been as horrible as the Rutgers deal .  It must not have been bad if they didn't jump him.

    I have never heard him on radio as not here, but when up early before bed have fliped by him and heard some pretty wild things about "others" also, so not sure what hapened here, but dallas knew this was coming because a ton of jokes were inthe dallas mroning News. Funny question and at his age he probably does, but still hot old lady.  Take care.

  4. sounds like a racist question to me!

    I do not think that Imus is a racist, I listen to him sometimes and have neverf heard a racist comment.

  5. i listen to him on the Internet and he is not a racist. he just says his own thing what he thinks.

  6. I don't believe that he is a Racist! Maybe he was raised around other people with different believes. Compared to his brother it appears that he has come a long way! (i don't mean any offense to either one) I wish he was on t.v or on a station in Chicago! I miss him!

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