
Does Dale JR have as many fans now without much wins..?

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the band wagon is starting to get light...




  1. Yeah he does, the true fans will stick by him through it all.

  2. He shouldnt.  He aint his daddy.  As much as it pisses yall off...homeboy isnt as great as we all like to think.  And hes an ***.

  3. he has less fans because he split with bud if anything

  4. He will always have his loyal fans win or lose.

  5. he is ttly losin fans. there r still alot tho. when they brought him around the stadium yesterday the car went rele slow so everyone wouyld see him. i wuz there.

  6. For the real fans there is no getting off his bandwagon.  I am right smack dab in the front row and will continue to be. No matter what lies ahead for Junior my loyality is un-wavering.

  7. Still has more fans than that sh*teater Busch.

  8. Okay, I was a Dale Sr. fan and now a Dale Jr. fan.  I like my driver through everything and I think he is actually getting more fans because he is nice and down to earth and doesn't have a nasty mouth like some drivers (shrubs)

  9. Jr fans are like Chicago Cubs fans. There might not be a championship trophy but we will always be loyal.

  10. He's as overrated as ever

  11. he may actually have more fans - people cheering him on to finally get a championship now that he's in good equipment. and his die-hard true fans have stuck with him through thick and thin - they get my vote as THE most loyal fans in the sport.

    and yes, i, rowdy's #1 fan said it... you can pick your jaws up off the floor now.  ;-)

  12. I have an opinion but I won't say it...

  13. people always bash jr fans, but i think that were the most loyal fans there are considering he hasnt won a race in 2 yrs (75 races). I will always be a jr fan. you really know were good fans when a busch fan says it. lol rowdy's #1.

  14. FYI those of us that are true and loyal fans will always be Jr fans wether he is winning or losing it doesn't matter!! He could go another 500 races without a win and if your a true fan you stand by him!! So my answer is the true ones are still here!!

  15. I am a loyal fan, I stick with my team through thick and thin. I am a huge Colts fan, always have been. I don't hop on and off bandwagons, I stick with my team. I have always liked Jr, since his Bush series days. I always will like him. I would never abandon him since he doesn't win. When he does win, it will feel like the first one all over again.

  16. I can say I am not a fan of that lazy redneck who would rather get drunk then win races, just because these fans purchase his merchandise so he can live off them. Joey Logan is already better than him after 1 nationwide race. I can not believe how many people buy his stuff to support his drinking habits.

    They need to cheer for someone whos a good role model, wants to win, supports his fans, doesnt drink so much. root for a true gentleman, Joey L

  17. Junior is a great driver and a real cool guy and and all of his real fans will stick with him forever no matter what but he will win soon and shut up all of his critics.

  18. hey Joey Logan's #1 fan if you're going to be someone's #1 fan at least spell his f*cking name right it's Legano sheesh if you're going to jump and bandwagon at least it right. I'm sorry to see that you have a delusional image of Jr as well, funny how the lazy drunken redneck was at Daytona testing THE WEEK BEFORE he was scheduled to test, to learn what he could from his teammates.

    Ooops.. ahh s***w it close enough.

  19. Go to a live race and say that in front of all the Jr fans. I bet it won't be light there...!!!

  20. I am a card-carrying member of Junior Nation and always will be, through thick and thin, good and bad, wins and losses. I don't care who the next "big thing" to come through NASCAR is. Junior is nowhere near one of the greatest drivers of all time, but I still like the man. I respect him now more than ever for the decisions he has made in the last year-and-a-half. He left the comfort of his Daddy's team and left himself with no more excuses. He dropped the party-boy image. His drive and desire to win are greater now than ever before in his career. I really don't care if he is the next Mark Martin - "Always the bridesmaid and never the bride", as Larry McReynolds puts it, and never wins that ever-elusive championship. I am a fan of Junior just as much for the man as I am for the driver - and will always be.

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