
Does Dale jr has a girlfriend or a wife?

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Does Dale jr has a girlfriend or a wife?




  1. Girlfriend - maybe

    Wife - no

  2. He has neither at the moment.

  3. Dale Jr. is single right now.

    He has been likened to some hotties in the past.

    To the people who call him selfish, maybe he wants to avoid the "Britney" furor whenever he goes to the movies, or god forbid holds a woman's hand.

    I think that shows class and style above all else.

    Maybe he wants to wait until he can have that relationship without having to hide her, keep her in the trailer, or have her hounded by the press.

    But, how much you want to bet she looks nothing like the step-mom Theresa.

  4. No, and I admire him for that. He's one of those laid-back, unresponsible dudes who likes to relax, have a beer and play some video games. He's not ready for a wife or a girlfriend. He's smart enough to know that.

  5. I heard also that when he has gotten serious - the girls he goes out with start talking/asking when he is going to quit driving, that he's gone too much - yada yada. They know who he is.... why would you want him to quit driving? I hate to say it but he needs to find a girlfriend that is kinda like Teresa Earnhardt - at least she let Dale do what he wanted to do (drive), helped him build his image/company, and since she grew up around racing, knew what it entailed.

  6. If he does, he's keeping her out of the fanatic media spot light for her safety. A few years ago he met and was dating a gal from Texas, had her visit him in NC. Lasted a few months. He met her at the Texas track, she was a "groupie",.

  7. No, he says he's to busy right now and focusing on his racing

  8. I Saw a thing on 60 minutes year's ago when he said a girlfriend of his in the early day's got hounded by the media so he made his life private when it comes to dating since.

    On the show "Payback", his sister said she was always concerned about who he was dating, yada...yada, which you never hear about.

    ....basically, if he says he's 'in-between girlfriends right now' it means he's literally in-between two girlfriends.

  9. No.....there are rampant rumors that he is either g*y or bi

  10. Dale Jr. needs to find a good woman and have a Dale the third. I've heard that he's a bit of a chauvinist about women though....

  11. according to the following link, the position of "girlfriend" is currently vacant:

    but beware - you might need thick skin - further down the page junior is asked why he's not married yet and he says "guess I haven't run into too many winners."  harsh dude, considering all the women he's been linked to...


  12. Last time I checked, he and Tony Stewart were pretty hot and heavy.  :)

  13. Nope, he's still in the closet. But he's been spotted with Jeff Gordon in some of the g*y bars around Charlotte.

  14. Could you imagine being his girlfriend, she would be hounded all the time, if he does have a girlfriend he is probably keeping her out of sight. I did see that interview with him talking about dating, He likes to be in charge of the relationship, when it starts to go the other way it is adios.

  15. Only if Jeff Gordon counts as his "girlfriend".

  16. nope JR.s the player

    why would he want one when can have his choice right now

    i would its hard to find a good woman especially with money like hes got

  17. Junior is a player... he's got Rosy Palm and her five sisters!

  18. neither

  19. Yes, he's had plenty of girlfriends unlike Jeff ''g*y'' Gordon!!!

  20. If he does, she's not that important because on a 60 minutes interview he said and I quote, "My career comes first, girlfriends come second to my career."  All he's interested in is himself unfortunately.

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