
Does Dale thomas look better with his new or old hair?

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His old hair was blonde with some black going through it but mostly blonde, and long( picture -->,,5877976,00.jpg)

His new hair is full on dark brown & long (cant find a pic but look at his hair in this video

I dont really know i do miss the old hair but the new stuff isnt that bad




  1. Yuck neither, If he got it all cut of maybe he would look better.

  2. OLD HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    he stood out with his playing style and his hair helps with that

    but now it looks (almost) normal

    and hes still a very energetic player...

    the old hair style suited his personality (the personality i see on tv)

    but im still a lions fan through and through

  3. he has just shaved his head for the swans game

    he looks hot

  4. Does it cover his chin?

    If so, it must be an improvement on his old style (I can never be bothered to click on any links supplied in questions).

  5. Well, I'm old ;-p so my opinion probably doesn't mean much but I asked my teenage daughter and she says and I quote "his old hair was hot, his new hair sucks".  I think he's a good young player who will only improve with age.  Will watch his hair changes with interest. :)  

  6. It doesn't matter what his hair looks like...

    It's the jumper you've got to worry about!!

  7. Not that this has anything to do with Aussie Rules, but I think he looked better with his old hair!

  8. Blonde suited him. And he stood out, helps with the votes!

  9. Hey, just letting you know for me neither of the links worked? not sure if it was just me on if it is the links!? His new hair is better, for sure!


    Thats fine, guys if the links don't work:

    OLD -

    NEW (i think) -


    im really confused.. but to aswer this simply i perfer his current hair.

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