
Does Daniel Johnston rival Dylan and Leonard Cohen as America's greatest songwriters?

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  1. Both Dylan and leonard Cohen are Canadian

  2. I don't think he does, because both Dylan&Cohen are much more widely appreciated than Daniel Johnston. Their reputation is so much more linked to the world fame than his.

    As for arguing about Dylan's and Cohen's ethnic backgrounds, I think it's irrelevant here and neither of them would raise the issue. After all, you can argue they're both Jewish for that matter. And their accomplishments and contribution to the popular music reach far beyond national borders. They made success in the States and Europe alike, and Cohen himself stated that by temperament and approach, he had always been closer to the European art song – he once termed his work the “European blues.”

  3. No. He has more in common with the likes of Wesley Willis, Skip Spence, Syd Barrett, Arthur Lee, etc - talented musicians and writers, but their mental conditions and outsider status is probably a greater claim to fame.

  4. Leonard Cohen is Canadian.

  5. The impact of Dylan's words and thinking can only be imagined by those that did not  hear them in the context of their times.

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