
Does Disneyland Paris sell hoodies?

by  |  earlier

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If so, how much are they?? =D




  1. Yep, went the other day

    They are selt all over both the parks in different themes.

    In disney village there is fashion shops.

    They cost around 30-70 euros depending on quality etc.

    Hope this helps

  2. More than likely.  Considering just about every theme park sells hoodies, I see no reason why they wouldn't.

    The Donald Duck hoodie I bought a month ago in Walt Disney World cost me $60 american.  So the price will probably be the same, just in the currency used in France.

  3. um...

    i don't know, sorry :/

    probably not though!

  4. i dunno sorry :l


  5. oh my god , you are being too specific. disneyland is like a town. you have to be around there to really know this. sorry

  6. probably, why wouldn't they

  7. don't know.

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