
Does Dominoes Take Credit Card Even For Delivery?

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Does Dominoes Take Credit Card Even For Delivery?




  1. Yes, I've ordered delivery with CC many times.

    You couldn't just call and ask?  You had to go to yahoo answers?

  2. yes

  3. yes.... they do.... order online....

  4. yep. Just tell them when you are ordering, and you give them the number over the phone.

  5. as long as you're ok with giving you're number over the phone

  6. yes we do you just have to give your credit card number when you call dont forget to tip

  7. In my city they do!

  8. yup yup! Dominoes isnt very good tho... their kind of plain... well at least here. I like pizza hut!!!

  9. Yea, I work there.

  10. Yes but you need to tell them when you call in and order, and they will ask for your credit card number over the phone

  11. Yes, but if you don't want food poisoning, I'd order from somewhere else.

  12. Yes.

  13. yup they sure just gotta give them your card # when you order

  14. yep.....they sure do

  15. only if the delivery guy is carrying around a card slider than you can. but wher i come from ya gotta pay with credit at the store

  16. yes online they do hun but its Expensive !  If i was you id order from Kebab shop that makes Pizza for Half the price and they taste alot better , Also best Pizzas i have come Across is the ones you get from Asda made for you, Cost about 3.45 for the Biggest one .

    If its Dominoes you want they have Web site you can order from with Visa Card

  17. The one here in Oregon does

  18. Yes they do. You pay when you call in your order.

  19. yea u gots to tell dem over tha fone jur gonna pay by credit card tho

  20. Sure does just make sure you tell them on the phone that you intend upon paying with a credit card so they can run it and bring you the copy you need to sign. What kind of pizza are you getting? hmm...hmm?

  21. not here in england, and if they do offer it, i sure as h**l wouldnt wanna be giving my card number to a spotty, underpaid teenager

  22. Yes all major places accept credit cards even for delivery.

  23. Yeah but I think you have to give the number over the phone

  24. Yes but you give them your credit card number when you're on the phone with them and they type it in instead of scanning it.

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