
Does Drinking Milk help your teeth? When you are 24?

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I have quite weak teeth and always need fillings even though the dentist says I clean my teeth beautifully, I was just wondering, since everyone tells me to drink milk will it actually help my teeth at my age? (which is 24).





  1. Hi,

    The tea spoon of sugar in your tea is the reason for your dental problems - not lack of calcium.  Most people drink tea and coffee between meals and if you take sugar then it is the equivalent to having sweets.

    the best thing you can do to help yourself is to stop having the sugar. It doesn't matter if its one or two spoon fulls or just a half spoon - it will still do damage.

    Try to wean yourself off by very slowly using less and less and then find a smaller spoon, and eventually NONE.    I can guarantee that if you stop the sugar in the tea, you will have less decay.

    If your body is in need of calcium your bones would suffer before your teeth.   The calcium is most needed when the teeth are developing in child/babyhood.  Milk as a supplement is not necessary as other foods give the amount of calcium needed to keep your bones and teeth and body healthy.

      If you take milk in your tea then i am sure you are getting enough just through that, if not and you don't feel you have a balanced diet, then calcium tablets are also available  from your chemist.

    Please try cuting out the sugar in the tea.  I promise it will help alot.

    Good luck x  

  2. sure willl...u r still young and milk is soo essential to bones and teeth  

  3. Milk contains a lot of calcium - important element for making bones and enamel (teeth).

  4. Yes it will help, ideally you need 24oz a day.Look at this site.

  5. Yes, because it a nutritious fluid, and not soda pop with empty sugar calories and carbonation that thins your enamel....

    Stay away from soda, sport drinks, and bottled teas....Though home made tea is ok....

    Another good think is ACT restoring rinse

    and MI paste (google them)  

  6. It is important to have an adequate calcium intake to maintain healthy teeth and prevent osteoporosis. However you are correct the formative years of your childhood are the most important time to ensure this is the case.

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