
Does England and Scotland have same bank holidays?

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just trying to know if scotland's having bank holiday as England's having hers.




  1. yes, it's a bank holiday here today as well, they're not always the same though.

  2. NO

    Bank Holidays in England are regulated and determined by the Banking Act, 25th August being the most recent.

    However, Bank Holidays in Scotland are regulated and determined by the Banking (Scotland) Act, 4th August being the most recent.

    In Scotland, it is generally the case that only banks close on Bank Holidays. The rest of the business world close on Local Holidays.

    Local Holidays vary from place to place. So, for example, in Ayr, the third Monday in September is a Local Holiday (Ayr Gold Cup Day), whereas in Glasgow, there is a Local Holiday on the fourth Monday in September.

    I am not aware of any location in Scotland that has a Local Holiday in August. (Little point really with the new school year starting in mid August)

  3. Some, but not all.  For instance August 25 was a bank holiday in England, but not in Scotland.

  4. Not all of the Bank Holidays are the same in Scotland and England.

    Only in England and Wales the Bank Holidays are the same.

  5. Broadly speaking, Scotland has the same Bank Holidays as the rest of the United Kingdom - the two exceptions are Easter Monday and the date of the August Bank Holiday.  Scotland does not get Easter Monday as they have January 1 and 2 whereas the rest of the UK only gets January 1.  Previously, the entire UK took the first Monday in August as a bank holiday, but then it was changed to the last Monday. However, as Scotland requires separate legislation for everything, it was deemed not worth the bother, so the early Bank Holiday was left alone.  HOWEVER it is more complicated than that! Although these two bank holidays dates differ from the rest of the UK, the banks in Scotland now take the UK Bank Holidays: the Scottish Banks are open on January 2 and the early Scottish August Bank Holiday and closed when it isn't a bank holiday in Scotland!

  6. They arent all the same. An example would be August - in England, the Bank Holiday was the 25th. In Scotland, this wasnt a Bank Holiday. The Scottish August Bank Holiday was the 4th...

    The link below may help

  7. Yes Scotland today had a bank holiday, but not everything is shut like it is in england.

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