
Does Epsom salt really make a difference ?

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I just got a 4 year old TB Gelding who's been off the track for more than a year.

Since that he has not been trained or turned out in the paddock.

It seems like he had a light insury in his right front leg and he is favoring the left front.

It's not a bowed tendon. I had 2 Vet's out already to take a look at him, one said he just needs training and get back into shape as well as bute paste and the other one said I should do all kinda Ultra sound etc.

I do not have any medical records on him.

A friend of mine recommended to do Epsom Salt Bath with him, like once or twice a week.

He is on bute paste right now and some days he is lame some days he is fine.

He is getting his shoes on friday though.

I haven't been riding him. I'm so confused with what the Vet's said... I dont think it's serious, but I also know that I wont be able to show him... He's just gonna be a nice pleasure horse I guess. I definetly wont shoot him up with steroids and all that c**p ! HELP




  1. I have used that with instructions  from my vet from time to time, and yes, its good stuff!

  2. Epsom salt is very good for an abscess. But be very careful with Bute. It should NEVER be used for more than two weeks. I have a horse in recovery fro it riught now. He foundered and the vet put him on bute. It attacked his kidneys and he almost died. He spent 8 days in the equine hospital, and is not allowed to graze for the rest of the summer.

  3. Well did either vet pinpoint the injury?

    If it could be an abcess, soaking the hoof in epson salts and warm water, will bring it to it's head, allow it to rupture and then drain.

  4. Epsom salt is going to soothe any pain in his leg. When my horse hurt his leg I soaked his leg in a bucket of warm water with epsom salt in it every day until it was better.

    Good luck.

  5. epsom salts are to draw out an abcess- but I have never found that they worked.

    No turn out for over a year? No wonder why the poor guy is lame.  Most horses cannot sit in a stall for so long. My horse goes lame if in a stall for more than 24 hrs (when she is on stall rest for whatever reason, she physically goes lame for at least a month afterwards).

    I would get a farrier to check for an abcess, but definately give the poor guy some turn out time. Do not give him bute before turnout.

        Most vets don't reccommend bute for more than 2 weeks, unless it is a lifetime injury.

  6. I know this won't be what you want to hear, but the vet who suggested ultrasound was just trying to be sure it isn't a tendon bow...some require ultrasound to diagnose, so the other vet can't necessarily be sure of his/her diagnosis without it. If it were my horse, I'd do the ultrasound to be sure.

  7. I'm a total believer in Epsom Salts; used them frequently on a show horse whose feet could become really sore after consecutive shows in hard surfaced show pens...we also buted her if we had enough time between don't want that showing up in a blood draw for drugs.

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