
Does Europeans speak english or like french?

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i really need to know this question fast! so please, can you tell me it?




  1. In Europe, where there are a lots of countries, people of course speak their native languages, but most people speak also English along with perhaps some other foreign language. That´s not unusual in Europe, because the children learn foreign languages at school.

    French is spoken mainly in France, Belgium and Switzerland, but people speak English there too.

    The situation in the east of Europe is not quite the same as in continental Europe and Scandinavia as fewer speak English or some other foreign language there.

  2. Most people in the EU speak three languages, since the EU brought in their "rule" that school children should speak three languages.

    In France most people that I have met on my travels or other friends (especially current and recent students) speak French, English and either Spanish or German, depending on their location in France.

    Most Europeans from big cities will have at least a basic knowledge of English.

  3. depends on where u going in france they speak french, in germany they speak german. some speak english tho not a lot

  4. English people speak English.

    French speak French.

    Except for the fact that most Europeans are smart and actually teach their children a second language early on.

  5. some speak french, some speak english, some speak spanish, some speak german, some speak polish ... europe is a continent with many languages spoken there.

  6. How can a young lady just be such ignorant concerning history issues on language diversities.

    In Europe they speak:

    Norwegian, Swedish, Finish, Danish, German, Dutch, Luxembourgian, French, Spanish, Portugesian, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Albanian, Greek, Turkey, Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Tchecian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and in almost every country ten to twenty dialects, and I bet that I get complains about having forgotten a country.

  7. g

  8. Sometimes I can smile at some of the questions that are placed here. Othertimes I am on the verge of speechlessness, and guess what, this is one of those occasions

    As explained to you, "Europe" has many countries and each speak there own (or indeed multiple language depending on the country).  

    English is widely spoken as a second language, and actually to a higher level that some native speakers (if you take into account grammar & capitalisation of your own question) which I suppose you mean to be: "Do Europeans speak either English or French?"

  9. Europe has many different countries, like England, France, German, Italy, etc.

    So therefore, there are many different languages being spoken, like for England (English), for France (French), and etc.

  10. Thanks for the question.

    Most European countries do not have English as there primary language, except for England ( AKA United Kingdom/Britian).   Germans speak german, French speak french, Pols speak polish.

    Most Europeans will also speak a second and third language, one being English and another European language.

    English is used internationally for Air Traffic Control, and for international commerce.  So it is used very widely in the world.

  11. Europeans don't speak one language.  There are alot of countries in Europe.  There's English, French, Italian,German, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, hungarian, the many languages in the former Yugoslavia, and etc, etc, these are just the few that came to mind of the top of my head.

    I totally agree with daredevil.  Why is it that most europeans know more about our American history and geography then our children???

  12. It really depends on what part of Europe you're in.

    Do you have a specific country?

  13. Eurpeans speak many many different languages, but many people there speak english, too . Much more than french actually.

  14. Congratulations, you've made me more ashamed to be an American than anything or anyone in the past 10 years.

  15. I think the younger generations in Europe speak English fairly well (it is probably the first or second foreign language they learned in school), it is after all "the common language" of the world. The older generations might speak just their respective native languages.

  16. Europe is a very large area. People are going to speak German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, etc and those are just some of the languages spoken in Europe. Also, among those languages there are different dialects within those languages.

  17. french

  18. Depends on what country you are in. People in England speak English. People in France speak French, people in Germany speak German. Most people in many countries speak English though.

  19. MOST will know English (and about 3 other languages) as it is taught in school along with the national languages.

    Other languages:

    1) Spanish

    2) French

    3) Flemish

    4) Dutch

    5) German

    The farther East you go in Europe, the less likely you'll see residents who speak or can try to speak English.

  20. Most of them speak English, some of them only french, some both.. Was that fast enough?

  21. well if they live in france, the chances are they speak french. wow.

  22. ummm everywhere u go

    most people do speak english

    or at least that is theie like there 2nd lang..

  23. lol this is a trick question. they speak european duh

  24. Europeans speak the language of the country they live in.  So, if they live in France they speak French, if in Germany they speak German.  Some may speak two languages within their country as in the Basque part of Spain where they speak Spanish as well as Basque.  Many Europeans are bilingual and speak English, or another European language, as well as their own.

  25. Honey, English comes from England (Europe).  Yes, they also speak French, Spanish, German, Italian...those are all European languages.  

    If you're asking as to whether English is predominantly spoken in most countries over there, the answer is yes.

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