
Does Family Guy Promote Beastilaity ?

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Brian, the dog, is seen dating humans. That's odd in itself but then they show him in bed with the humans. Does this not promote beastiality? I mean, do we really need to give the "sickos" in this world more ideas?




  1. what a totally ridiculous question.

    utterly and completly idiotic.

    it's entertainment. it's an animation for christ sake!!

    Just the fact that your brain even went there makes me wonder about you bud.

    I'm keeping my eye on ya!!!

    down boy!!!

  2. I honestly don't believe that Family Guy does,

    because Brian is basically human,

    he's a personified Dog..

    Beastiality is the worst thing on the planet.

    Totally violates human morality.

  3. Yes, a cartoon showing a dog with humanistic qualities dating, without actually showing anything graphic, of course makes perfectly normal rational people go "OMG I wanna sleep with a dog now!"

    Makes perfect sense!

    Also, you say "do we really need to give the 'sickos' in this world any more ideas?". Are you dense? These are people ALREADY interested in sleeping with animals, you think showing a cartoon dog in bed with someone will REALLY give them any more ideas than they ALREADY have? You must have done great on the 'common sense' portion of the life test. Wait... they don't have that do they? Jeez, they really need to start making that...

  4. No it doesn't.  

  5. That is sort of the joke behind the character of Brian the talking dog, that went to college and drives a Prius, is that most of the time people seem to forget he's a dog.  One year old babies don't usually have plans for the enslavement of all mankind or makes plans for world domination either, but every now and then he reminds them like when he told Peter. "I'd like to help you out but I have to go out into the hall and chew on the back of my a s s for about five minutes"


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