
Does Florida require a tag on a boat trailer for people vacationing there?

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We are going on a vacation in Florida, we will be pulling our boat, in our state it isn't reguired to habve a tag or title on a boat trailer.

My question is:

Does Florida require boat trailers to be

tagged? If so, is it required of people

from out of state, traveling there?




  1. Each State allows what is legal in your home state to be legal in theirs. Here in Oh a trailer license is required but Ky it's not. So Ohio honors Ky's law, as does every state in the Union

  2. If on state HWY they need tags unless farm equipment>If your stopped than best to have papers to prove you own it>Put tags on it for a few $ so you don't have any issues>

  3. Working in Title and Registration myself based out of Florida, I can tell you, if the boat or trailer are kept in the state for more than 90 days, you will need to get a Florida Tag.

    However, you will need to keep a copy of your Bill of Sale when it was purchased, so if you do get stopped, so you can prove you own the trailer.

    Before going, you may want to ask your state for a Letter on their letterhead explaining that your state does not title or register trailers.

    This will be your best bet, because even though you may be stopped a few times, you won't be harrassed for lack of documentation.

    Hope this helps.

  4. what ever is legal in your state is legal==registration wisethat is==

  5. I live n florida and wen i see boats they always have tags on the back of the boat, but if ur vacationing on guessing ur still goin 2 need one because it's the law to have ur tag showing wen ur driving && i believe that its da law to have one on every motor boat

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