
Does Forrest have the best boxing skills in MMA?

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I think he does. He would kick Roy Jones Jr *** in a boxing match. Forrest rules hes the best ever. Forget Anderson Silva. Forgien fighters suck anyways. Lets go Forrest Griffin. In the UFC they are very few forgein fighters that are talented.

Anderson Silva is overrated one dimensional fighter.

GSP wishes he were half as good as Forrest.

BJ Penn sucks he has no stand up.

They all suck cause they aren't American. Forrest is the true champ. Forrest rules.




  1. As far as pure pugilistic skill goes, I'd say Bas Rutten.  However, as  an announcer with a torn bicep - I doubt we'll ever get to see him display it again.

    Forrest is a great striker, but I would say he is a very well rounded fighter more than just purely a boxer.  I have no idea what is going on with Roy Jones, Jr. these days but he was a bad dude in his prime.  So was Antonio Tarver.

  2. rofl.... your joking right?

  3. Dear Forrest Griffin Nut Hugger,

    First of all, climb out of his b******e and get real. Roy Jones Jr. is a boxer! Forrest Griffin is an MMA fighter. All Roy does is concentrate on boxing while Forrest is working on grappling, clinch, and stand up. I am a big Forrest Griffin fan, but he would not win against Roy Jones Jr. in a boxing match. Period.

    Second of all, Anderson Silva is the best p4p in the world. He is not one-dimensional, he is a legitimate black belt in BJJ, who trains with the Black House (Nogueria brothers training camp). Anderson submitted Dan Henderson and Travis Lutter, he also knocked out Rich Franklin, twice. So by saying Anderson is "one-dimensional", your just making yourself sound stupid.

    GSP is the most well rounded fighter in MMA today. And he is just as good, if not better, than Forrest Griffin. In every aspect of fighting GSP excels in. He dominated the most dominant champion in UFC history, twice (Matt Hughes).

    BJ Penn has an excellent stand up, and he doesn't suck. If you knew anything about MMA, you would know that he is the best Lightweight in the world. Just to remind you, he knocked out Sean Sherk, Din Thomas, and Caol Uno with his stand up. And BJ Penn is American. He was born in Hawaii.

    And finally, don't discriminate fighters because they aren't American. Because UFC wouldn't be what it is today without its international fighters. GSP, A. Silva, and Minotauro Nogueira are all international fighters and they hold title belts.

    Please do us all a favor and stop watching MMA, because your bias is ruining the sport.

  4. Forrest is a great all around fighter, but as far as pure boxing, I don't think so. I think that right now, it's a tie between the Diaz brothers as to who has the best hands in MMA. And you have to throw Drew Mc Fedries in there too. He has some sick K.O.s on his resume. Then theres also Chris Lytle, who started out as a pro boxer. (Yeah, I know he lost last night, but the man still has good hand skills.)

  5. What are you smoking?!?! I'm a Forrest fan and I think you are nuts!! Forrest beat Tyson?Jones? Don't make me laugh!

    Again I AM a Griffin fan but I don't think he has the best stand up in the UFC much less MMA as a whole. He is good and he can hang with anyone, but he isn't dominant.

    I have some major problems with your shots at the other fighters:

    #1 Sliva is well rounded he is the most dangerous striker pound for pound in the UFC and probably MMA. Add to that the fact that he submitted both Dan Henderson & Travis Lutter who are both well versed in the ground game.

    #2 GSP is easily the most athletic and most explosive fighter in the UFC and has to stack up well against anyone in MMA. GSP has the full package and you are just blind if you're gonna criticize the guy without bringing a reason or two with you.

    #3 BJ Penn I'm not a fan but the guy is a wizzard with submissions and he can hold his own in stand up. Maybe you missed the fact that he picked appart Sean Sherk on his feet the entire match, and he was dominant!  In fact his current reccord of 13-4-1 (5 wins by submission, 5 by KO/TKO, 3 by decision)

    Also they suck because they aren't American?! Gimme a break I'm not even gonna dignify that with an answer.

  6. this is a joke right?

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