
Does France do enough for the environment?

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It's about France because I'm doing French A-Level!




  1. Well, France ratified Kyoto, which is more than the USA.

    France also plegded to reduce Green-House gasses by 60% in the next 10 years, and is Europe's biggest recycler.

    No one does ENOUGH, but France does well.

  2. Does any country?

  3. Uh, seeing that table we still have a lot to do. But still, there's a lot that's been done.


    - Nuclear electricity rather than coal or oil (that's because we have low grade expensive coal and no oil but still, we don't produce clouds of greasy smoke)

    - Cars have a pollution limit. Cars have to be checked regularly to see if they produce more than they should, in which case you have to change your car or your engine. Fuel efficient cars have tax breaks. As a rule, cars in Europe are much more fuel efficient than in the US (the high price of petrol helps persuade people to buy them)

    - lots of trains and cheap urban buses and tramways to transport people

    - Tightening rules every year over environment and recycling, though we are not yet at the level of other northern neighbours.

    Bad :

    - Nuclear electricity : dangerous and nuclear residues are not 'clean' though they are now re-treated to be re-used.

    - Still too many cars

    - Too much use of pesticides poisoning the water tables

    - Like many rich countries companies are exporting too much of the dirty work to poorer countries with less stringent rules

    That might give  you an idea.

  4. Most of France's electricity is nuclear generated, so it's very clean.

  5. you know France has enough places to visit. lots of museums.parks.cathedrals ,ancient buildings.LOUVRE.EIFFEL

    Tower.I have been to France.Let me just say you something you'll love the'll love the country.visit Cattacombe

    its enough scary and exciting to see.When i went to Paris it took me a whole week to visit LOUVRE Completely.

    Cathedrals will amaze you!

  6. Do most countries do enough for the environment? Why france? I think there are bigger countries who don't do as much as they should. China and America to name just a couple.

  7. This question is a bit general, you could ask, "does anyone do enough for the environment "  the answer would be no.

    I think you're not going to get many real answers just lots of anti-french remarks

  8. Look at the emissions of greenhouse gases per inhabitants in tonnes carbon equivalent.

    Why is your question about France???

  9. Yes. They nuke all those nasty tropical fish I don't like. If you're not a cod, fook off! BOOOOOOM!

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