
Does Gemini forgive easily?

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Or are they the kind of people to hold grudges?





  1. it depends,im gemini

    id hold the grudge for something like killing a loved one,or other similar reasons,besides that i usually forgive........USUALLY,lol

  2. Welll, I would def say one twin would forgive you (and that might be okay, b/c you only have to deal with the other one 50% of the time heheehehe).

    gemini's do have the ability to process, digest, add, and delete info like a computer, so I doubt they'd hold on to a grudge (no one is that important to the twins--not even each other LOL)

  3. I have a gemini moon giving me many traits of the gemini. I tend get over it when someone hurts me and almost everyone gets a 2nd chance with me, but I never forget. It's almost a keep you friends close and your enemies closer kind of deal. If you really think about it, is it possible to forgive someone if you can't forget? Not that it's holding a grudge, it's just being on guard, it's always going to be in the back of your mind and it may be hard to trust that person again. While one twin may want to let their guard down, the other is always going to have it up.

  4. Yes Gemini's hold grudges.  Some for a very long time, some will snap back to reality in as little as a day.  Depending on if they are on the cusp of Cancer, they will really hold a grudge and it would be the worst thing to do to make them made.  You won't have a chance.  Not even an apology will help.  They have to work it out in their own head and heart before they can forgive or forget the problem.  

    If you have made a Gemini mad, wait at least a week before you call them.

  5. I'm Gemini. I forgive the person who hurt me but it takes a long time usually, if it's something not serious that doesn't involve feelings, I forgive easily. I usually don't forget.

  6. yea you could say so:: in a way they do.

  7. Gemini's usually hold grudges. They do forgive but they never forget. So if you wronged a Gemini--BE CAREFLL they will bring it up eventually. But Gemini's are twins...they usually ahve two sides to them...

  8. It depends on the severity of the situation, if someone really hurts us or takes advantage then we dont hold grudges but (well as my experience as a gemini) they cut people out of their lives.

    I've witnessed this through my father as well.

    but alot of the times we forgive way too easily.

  9. Hi Vicky

    Don;t forget that you are dealing with Twins. One of them might forgive you but will the other one ?

    They are an intellectual and logical sense and everything is processed in their computer. They can erase and delete files just like they can hold on or forget grudges. Generally, they don't have time for that nonsense and can move and forget quickly.

  10. of course! they're and air sign lol, well it depends, usually yes, because by the next time you see them they will have a completely different personality on their face.

    They might not if they have a Scorpio or Taurus ascendant, Mercury or Venus positioning

  11. geminis r so much dual they do not know  nor remember what they said or did so there is no qs of grudges lovable folks i know many even  be nazir bhutto was a gemini


  12. it depends not all geminis are the same.. i'm gemini and i hold grudges... good luck

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