
Does George Bush have the credibility or moral authority to criticize Putin for attacking Georgia?

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Does George Bush have the credibility or moral authority to criticize Putin for attacking Georgia?




  1. No, he is one to talk.. He forget about Iraq?

  2. Looks like Bush doesn't want any elections...

  3. Yes, credibility and moral authority comes with the office of presidency regardless of who is holding the office.

  4. By all means, Georgia was not producing WMD and never had produced any. They were a democracy trying to pull 2 areas of their country back together. Russia has seized more than 5 times the land that those 2 break away providences hold. Russia has purposely destroyed infrastructure for after they withdraw, if they withdraw.

  5. Eh i do not think so. Seems when someone attacks USA citizens its ok to invade a country but not when its a russian citizen... i guess in bushes mind an american is worth more than a russian...  

  6. yes.  but in case some dont think so, it is good that obama, mccain, the rest of the republicans, the democrats, and our friends in europe agree with him.

  7. Non what so ever, he has tried his up most to derail the ceasefire and withdrawl talks the EU have had with Russia, his rhetoric has been aggressive and d**n right unhelpful.

    Thankfully it fell on deaf ears and the EU & Russia were able to move forward. Unlike what the US & UK govs are doing in Iraq :)

  8. Has that ever stopped him before?

  9. Heck no! Can you believe those bozos said " This is the 21st century, nations don't attack other nations" (McCain said it, too)

    Well, what do you call attacking Iraq and Afghanistan?

    Russia didn't attack Georgia per se anyway so the question is skewed. Georgia attacked South Ossetians with US and Israeli military help. Russia asked the UN to stop it. (The US said no to a non-military solution!)*

    The next day when Georgia started massacring the civilians of Tskhinvili, South Ossetia's capital city (its small - we would call it a town.) Russia went in to stop the killing. They have had peacekeepers there for 17 years to protect the Ossetians from the war-like Georgians. (Stalin's birth-place).

    This was entirely a Georgian and US caused problem. The fact that Russia went around and destroyed all those shiny new weapons that the US and Israel supplied the Georgians served them right.

    Unfortunately, all these weapons that the US passes out as "foreign aid" are paid for by our tax-dollars.

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