
Does Gnathostoma have a simple life cycle?

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Does Gnathostoma have a simple life cycle?




  1. No,The eggs exit the body in the f***s, but they need to be in water to develop into larvae. The egg hatches and the larva swims about until an unsuspecting small water flea eats it. The larva develops in the water flea that is then eaten by a fish. Hang on, we are not even close to done. The larva develops into the final immature form in the fish. The fish is eaten by something bigger, and the larva is released and can migrate through that animal. This can go on and on. Finally, a dog eats an animal containing the larva, and the larva is freed again. But wait, it does not stay in the stomach, but goes through the stomach wall and migrates to the liver, muscles, connective tissues. After three months, the larva winds up back in the stomach where as an adult it attaches itself to the stomach wall.

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