
Does God Want Us To Hate The Devil Or Dislike Him?

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I thought that Jesus said that you are suppose to love your enemies too. But in the bible did God exactly say to hate satan or dislike him. And also why does God not like him?




  1. Satan is an illusion he doesn't exist except in your imagination.  

  2. You have to answer this one yourself

  3. Jesus was talking about human enemies because He came to seek and to save the lost. The Devil's end has been ordained and God wants us to resist him and stand firm against his schemes.

    Ephesians 6:11  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

    1 Peter 5:8  Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  9  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

    Revelation 20:10  And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

  4. Rev 12:9-11

    Rev 18-22

  5. dis like hate is a strong word scencethe devil is your enemie  resists him but dont hate

  6. Satan challenged God for the ruler ship of the Universe. God wants us to decide who we think is best fit to rule. He plans on successfully rebutting all of Satan's criticisms and claims to the throne. Everyone is called to consider the arguments of both and come to an honest decision about who they think is best. It has nothing to do with hating Satan, but many feel they rightfully hate his ways.  

  7. We are to reject Satan, rebuke him in our lives- and then don't worry about him. Hate him? It isn't our job to handle him, it is Christ's, and the work was already done on Calvary. When we rest in Christ, we have nothing to fear. I would advise you, if you are a Christian, not to waste your time wondering whether to hate or dislike the devil. Just concentrate on loving Jesus and loving the people He places in your life.

  8. Since the devil IS evil, and we are to hate evil, I think it's clear we're to hate him. As far as our human one is pure evil, but the devil is, and he's also a spirit being.

  9. another loop hole in the mighty word

  10. I say we should love the Devil, because only through love do we have even a chance of changing him.

    However, it should be an alert love.  Loving a bad or evil person does not mean that the person is bound to change; only that they might.  An evil person can still hurt you, no matter how much love you give them.

    As witness, these women who fall in love with prison inmates and then are stunned when the men get released and then go out and rape or kill someone.

  11. If God created everything, then he must have created the devil.

    As God is omnipotent, and all knowing then he must have done it on purpose, because God cant make a mistake.

    So God loves you and his devil.

    Maybe the old f**t had a sense of humor after all.

  12. he wants us to dislike his ways thats a good ? thats wht i think i may be wrong i have to read to find the answer to that

  13. I thought "god" was a "hate the sin, Love the sinner" kinda "god".  Why would that not apply to the "devil"?

  14. i think he wants us to reject, hate and pity him at the same time.

  15. Neither, you should pity the devil.

  16. God does no like him because he is hurting the very people that He loves, you and me.  satan is nothing but a liar and deceiver and pulling us away from God.  It is alright to hate satan.  God wants us to love each other, humans.

  17. Lucifer was a Son of the Morning. He was one of the greatest beings in all the heavens. I dont' know if the bible says anywhere to hate or dislike Satan.

    I'm a Mormon... we believe that before the earth was created, we all existed as spirit beings, where we lived with God. God wanted us to be able to progress more than we were able to in that realm, he wanted to send us to be mortal beings where we could experience things for ourselves. Two plans were presented. Lucifer presented a plan whereby he would come here, he would ensure each of us chose correctly, and thereby we all would return to live with God in Heaven again. He wanted the glory for this for himself, though. Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, presented a plan whereby we would have the freedom to choose for ourselves what we wanted.... we would be able to sin. He would die to bear our sins, to take them upon himself. He would do this, and the glory, he said, would belong to God the Father.

    There was a grand council and we all listened to these two plans, and were given the opportunity to choose which one we wanted. Two thirds of all the host of heaven chose to follow Jesus, one third chose to follow Lucifer. There followed a great war, (in which we believe we all took part) and Lucifer, after losing, was cast out of heaven, along with all those who chose to follow him.

    We also believe that there were those of us who wanted Lucifer's plan, but sided with God and Jesus after the fact, so that we could come and have a body and experience this life regardless.

    Sometimes I wonder which side I was actually on. Because although I was raised in the church, I've spend a good part of my life struggling and doing things that a "good mormon" shouldn't do. Probably doesn't do me any good to dwell on that stuff though.

  18. You really don't know?

  19. god hates the devil because he disobeyed's like satin is trying to win in a battle between him and god just to prove that he's stronger and every believer knows that there's no creature more powerful than god.and he said to hate him and dislike him and do NOT listen to him.

  20. No isthatso. The bible is the lie.

    God only asks that you fight satan with the only weapon you can, Love. Ask Awesome God, He will gladly take any negative feelings from you, share your Love with all of God's Creation, all of Life, including satan.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  21. Resist him!  (The 'enemies' Jesus is referring to is humans only!)

  22. Personally I think the devil is the one exception to the love your enemies rule.

  23. Satan and Sin are enemies of God.  We are told not to hate our enemies, which means other people. But we are also told to hate Satan and Sin, which are the cause of those people being our enemies in the first place.

  24. Haha the imaginary friends are having a domestic


  25. the bible says to hate what is evil. it is as plain as that

  26. Both. He wants us to reject him. Satan has won you over if you do not believe the Bible is true

    Edit: You know that you means also one

  27. He wants you to submit to His will and just resist him, nothing more.

    James 4:7

    Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

    As others have said, the "enemies" refers to people.

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