
Does God Watch Every Move We Make?

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Does God Watch Every Move We Make?




  1. yes yes he does thats why every single thing we do counts

  2. Every time you m********e...God kills a kitten.

    Please, think of the kittens.

  3. ya he know

    actually he makes us do our every step

    without him we are nothing yaar

  4. Yes and he also knows what you will do before you even do it.  He knows us better than we know ourselves.  

  5. Read Psalm 139

  6. Yes, God does watch everything we do.............we can hide absolutely nothing from Him..................

    God Bless................

  7. Then he must be very disappointed in me

  8. Yes, that's why I'm an exibitionist.

  9. God is a myth

  10. He watches everything....He never sleeps or slumbers.

  11. Even if there was a God, don't you think he'd have his hands full trying to manage the millions of Galaxies and stars in this Universe. Actually modern theory is that there are multiverses, so he'd be quite busy to be bothered about the morality of some inconsequential life on an inconsequential planet Earth in the whole scheme of things.    

  12. Mhm. God sees everyone. And it may sound creepy or something, but He created you and we belong to him.  God loves us so much, and watches us to see what we are doing.  Hope this helped

  13. yes and that scary

  14. YES

    So think about that next time you m********e.

  15. yup... he watches 6.5 billion people all at the same time...

    yup... sure does.... 24/7


  16. god does not exist, so by definition nothing is watching us.  

  17. no because God does not look at sin. He knows the heart but he does not look upon the sin.

  18. Yes,

    He watches you on the toilet

    He watches while you have s*x

    He watches while you pick your nose

    He can even smell your farts!


  19. He knows everything about you. How many hair pieces you have, what you've done in the past 20 years or your whole life. He knows everything! He created you and the earth. God bless....

  20. like big brother

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