
Does God has a sence of humor? Examples?

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Does God has a sence of humor? Examples?




  1. Of course.  What fun to place such unlikely neighbours as Britain and France in close justaposition, not to mention Switzerland and Italy!  He gave wonderfully expressive faces to fishes and He created something so unlikely in the duck-billed platypus, with characteristics of the duck, the beaver and the kangaroo and peculiarities all of its own, that Darwin  found it hard to convince people of its existence. He caused penguins to trot about like people in early twentieth century film footage and He created that most comical of creatures, the giraffe, and before that, the towering dinosaurs, surviving today in the form of tiny geckos.  Oh yes, He has a sense of humour all right!

  2. Definitely! Just observe all the animals and their characteristics, it is hilarious! I think God had a great time when creating all the different species....... :-)

  3. He put the playground with the plumbing

  4. Yes, I was getting fed up with my job of 9 years. I was a manager of a rest. which meant I was always there. I was getting tired of it so I asked God for a break. The following week I was scheduled for knee surgery. A few weeks after surgery I told him that I wasn't ready to go back to work there. That afternoon I found out I had a blood clot in my leg. That bought me more time off.

    Yes, God has a sense of humor.

    Be careful what you ask for.

  5. Of course he has a sense of humour. Examples - Life, The Universe, Everything

  6. yes he created me

  7. Take a good look in the mirror at a typical human being then tell me God has no sense of humour.

  8. Of course God has a sence of humor..For every natural law we "discover" there are exceptions that make scientists scratch their heads. And if thats not enough:

    Do you think God gets stoned? I think so . . . look at the platypus.

    Robin Williams

    God gave us a p***s and a brain, but only enough blood to run one at a time.

    Robin Williams

    Cocaine is God's way of saying you're making too much money.

    Robin Williams

  9. Only if you do.

  10. yes he gave the planet the bible the worlds oldest joke book

  11. He must have. Ask yourself wouldn't it be better if he had put your nose on the end of your big toe then you would never put your foot in it !!!

  12. Have you looked at human behavior recently?

    Then there's puppies and kittens, no kidding, they are pure fun.

    Avocado pits,

  13. probably.

  14. the platypus

  15. The human reproductive system.  No wonder he needed a day off.

  16. He (she) has to have a sense of humor to put up with us(human beings)

  17. You!

  18. Well, the bible says that God created man in his own image, take a good look around-----pretty funny eh?

  19. god is great

    god has everything

  20. giving a man enough blood to either (flow ) power his p***s or his brain but not both at the same time!

    no, i am not a L*****n man-hater.

    but in all my years on gods green earth, i think it's true.

    & god must have engineered it for man to be easily-led with his p***s!

    sorry that's rude, how else can i put it?

  21. he made women did he not?

  22. So it is said ~ along with also being a lousy Architect / Planner:  ~

    Example (as someone wrote a long time ago now), 'Would you employ a Planner / Designer who, when it comes to s*x, puts the playpens of pleasures amongst the sewage outlets?'


  23. definitely not unless it is a sick one - all the poverty, famines, natural disasters, crime, etc??

  24. yes, he made women and gave them periods for the trouble he knew they would cause in the future lol

  25. Yes. If you don't think so just look at the This is a reference to the movie Dogma, if you didn't catch it. Sorry my answer isn't more serious, but the opportunity prevailed upon me and I had to take it! :)

  26. We're here aren't we ?

  27. Yes, just look at Paris Hilton!!!!!!!!

  28. yes he laughs at me everyday when he dumps more c**p and bad luck on my head

  29. Yes, s*x.

  30. He does and it was left out of the bible because the guys writing it thought it might offend some of us and we would not take it seriously.


    It is a little known fact that Jesus like to joke around with his boys here and there. and when they first met and some might remember Jesus told Peter to through his net out and he would catch some fish. The bible tells us this; however. the part that was left out was when Peter pulled the net out the first time it was empty. Jesus laughed and said I was only kidding through it over there. He did and caught some fish and that was the part they wrote about.

        There is more and god gave us loons like me to keep us all on the up side of life.

  31. Yes - The male body

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