
Does God have double standard/racists because believers can have free- will ?

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Where are the rights of free-will of non-believers?




  1. I agree if you believe that God gave us free will then why is there such a big problem with christians and Atheists?

    It sucks!

    I accept your beliefs although I may not believe what you do... Why cant you accept mine? You dont have to believe what I believe to accept it... Just allow me to believe it in peace!

  2. because your free to choose what you want but choose wisely because when judgement day comes he will choose who he wants duh!

  3. do u really believe in god,thats crazy in itself.

  4. I'm a Christian and I'm okay with nonbelievers having their rights of free will.  If you're looking for a new religion I highly suggest Catholicism, but you can be whatever religion you want, and as long as it ain't hurtin nobody, you can do what ya want.

  5. free will doesnt exist. for example, is it a three-year old girls "free will" to die of leukemia? no.

  6. God does not grant free will as such. This is an atheist agenda to make God look bad. Frankly there is no such thing as free will. You only work within your environment and no more

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