
Does God have fellowship with us on the first day of the week?

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I personally would or have assumed so. But I now am listening to a teaching that God is not there on the first day because He has told us when He will be present for fellowship and that is on the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath.




  1. Then what about "God will never leave or forsake you?"

    Or, "Nothing can seperate us from the love of God?"

    The instant you start putting restrictions on God, then you reject His grace and you reject everything He stands for.

    Don't let the sly words of a slcik wolf fool you.

    Pray, and seek God's own direction.

    Its up to you to develop your relationship with God.  

  2. No, there is not a special day.  The source of all of us is present with us 100% 7 days a week, every moment of our lives.   Some day on the calendar does not make any difference.  However, if you are speaking biblically, then you would be right, it was the sabbath (Saturday) that was sacred.

  3. God's day is actually Saturday not Sunday. So, church should actually be on Saturday on Sunday. We are believeing on the tradition's of man not God.

  4. "The kingdom of God is within you and all around you. It is not within buildings of wood or stone. Split a piece of wood and you will find me. Look beneath a stone and I am there."

  5. The more and more I read this stuff others teach,  the more I am personally grieved..

    DAILY brother DAILY ...or every other day,  "when ever" The heavens are open.........

    and uhh "CRUZ" is it? ...RESPECTFULLY ....I think we all here at R and S got your  " pointless support" .. Be happy and kind then,  and let those here at "religion" and "Spirituality" ""CRUZZZ"" on?


  6. God is always there. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week.  

  7. Jesus died so that He can have fellowship with us 24/7. There is never a time when He is not there or not listening. You can worship any time at all.

  8. Nowhere does the Bible say that Sunday was the only day God fellowshipped with his followers.  The Sabbath was considered a holy day by the Jews, but even the Old Testament doesn't say it was the only day to worship God.  In the New Testament, in the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians, the first day of the week is spoken of, but it still doesn't say that that was the only day of the week in which to have contact with God.  It simply became customary to meet on Sunday, which is a cultural thing.  It could just as easily have turned out to be Tuesday.

    EDIT:  Hey, Truthseeker, I'd really appreciate it if you could email me the source of that quote.  I looked all over Bible Gateway and couldn't find it.

  9. No. God doesn't exist.

  10. That is correct! God has set the Seventh day [Saturday] aside for rest and fellowship! Gen 1:1-5 is the first day of the week and God worked on that day, which makes it a common work day. He rested on the seventh day, and sanctified and hallowed it. By making it holy he put himself into it, much in the same manner as he made the temple holy by placing his glory in it. From the beginning of the Bible to the end, the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord our God.

    It was the RCC that changed the day that God set aside!

  11. We can have fellowship with GOD every day of the week.

  12. God fellowships with His children, offspring, sons and daughters moment by moment and is not confined to certain "days of the week". He exists outside "time" and gave us time markers here on this planet in the 3rd dimension so we could live out our existence while we are on this planet and in the world system. Afterward, and before coming here, we were with Him and "time" was not an issue. The "days" of the week were/are a part of His training and teaching for us to understand HOW He operates in our lives and to bring His people (before Christ) by law, to His new covenant and His Son. Every rule and law is way to set boundaries for those of us who are learning to walk the "love walk" in His anointing. As we grow up in Christ, we are not bound by rules and laws and limits because we are not looking to please God with external behaviors. We are looking to imitate His supernatural life since "love never fails" and is the totality of people living by grace and not by law!

    Most people who would present to you such an argument are like a puppy chasing his own tail. It has no purpose except to bring dissension and discord in your mind and heart and with others. The Lord says, I will never leave you of forsake you, also fellowship is NOT a time arrangement, it is the condition of our life as a part of His. We break fellowship with sin.., just stay loving and walk and talk with Him and there IS fellowship unbroken.

    If you are talking about "the day" to meet together as a church or group, don't let that become an "issue" either. Many from Jewish mindset want to still "keep the Sabbath", which is fine if you have a conscience leaning that way. May accurately teach that the early church want to meet together on the "first day of the week" reminiscent of the Lord's resurrection day and 1st Day seemed to be their custom in the New Testament as written in Acts of the Apostles. I would say that our Lord may allow both and not be dogmatic on either, but personally, I don't hold the Jewish Sabbath since our "day of rest" is not when we don't 'work for our salvation' but receive it DONE since Jesus paid the sin price and we accept it. All our work now is from a grateful heart to show forth evidence of our love for the brethern and the world.  Meeting together is on the 1st day of the week, Sunday, in my life. These kind of useless arguments are in the wrong focus and just don't violate your own conscience and do all you do "in the name of the Lord Jesus". He didn't give us direct command for either, but as scripture says, things are written for our learning.

    The Lord Himself corrected His critics at one point by saying that man was not made for the day, but

    the day was made for man" in answer to them chiding Him about breaking their rule about not healing on the Sabbath Day. God said to "remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy"..., they devised every kind of rule and limit around that law imaginable. NOTHING says it was 'THE day of fellowship'.., see? If your synagogue meets on Saturday, meet with them and worship God. If your church meets together for worship on Sunday, meet with them and worship God.., but don't argue about it. Worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth every day you live! <smililng>

  13. Nope.  We fellowship on Sunday.  We sit at my deck on lawn chairs, kick back, watch a game and have a couple Brewskis or two or a six pack

  14. Christ is of no benefit to you.  True Christians live by the Spirit, not by the old testament law.  Sabbath keepers(law keepers) lord it over others and you think God looks on you with favor for it.  Come up to the new testament and be set free.  You will find peace which Christ came to give us.  The good news that you should be sharing is the gospel, not the law.

  15. Open your mind.

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