
Does God hear your prayer if you aren't a Christian?

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If he doesn't, then how does anyone actually become a Christian?

If he does, what perks are there that you are a Christian? doe he hear them first, or louder?




  1. Yes, God hears your prayers even if you aren't a Christian. God hears your prayers no matter what religion you call yourself. He considers every single person in the world his child and gives all of us the equal option of admitting this.

    Christianity is a religion, just like Judaism, Islam, Buddism, it's a set of laws, beliefs, history, and parables, that people read about and follow. Christianity is branched off of Judaism. The difference is Christians believe that Jesus was God in the form of man, and Judaism doesn't. If you labeled yourself a pirate and you prayed to Jesus Christ, and you believed that Jesus Christ was God in the form of a human who came down to earth to take the guilt for our sins, the perk that we as Christians believe, is to have eternal life after death, a.k.a, going to heaven.

    I think in today's age, too many people practice religious zeal instead of putting as much of effort into their spirituality, faith,  and love.

    The reason I am a Christian is because my spirituality (my relationship with Jesus) supports my religion for me and I've had personal experiences in my life that support the idea of a God I've come to know existing and acting as a constant factor in my life. Whenever I pray to my God he answers me. Perhaps not in the a literal way where a big booming voice appears above your head, but in ways that are very observant to me. Sometimes God speaks in loud ways, in small ways, and in whispers so that He can see who is listening.

    Nobody else has to believe that, but that is just what I believe.

  2. I'm sure God hears you.  Even if you are praying to a non-Christian god, I'm sure he hears what you are saying.  

    One of the mysteries of God is that he is everywhere and hears everyone.  I don't think he listens closer to certain people's prayers over another.  I think he has a way of hearing them all equally.

    The biggest perk of being a Christian is knowing that you are loved and God is on your side always!

  3. if there is only one god then who else is going to listen?  yes god hears your prayers even if you are not a christian.  and i doubt he hears christians prayers first or louder or anything like that.  but i am sure that the actions of your life and the faith in your heart have a bearing on how he will react to your prayers.  christian or not

  4. Yes God still hears you.  Being a Christian doesn't necessarily have "perks", it's just about belonging to the Christian faith & being a part of the community.

  5. No, He doesn`t hear or see you...

    The 1st Prayer that God hears from you is the Sinners Prayer that goes something like this But in your own words. and mean it with all of your heart.

    “Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

    This is the only prayer that God will 1st listen to.

    Peace and Blessings from Texas <><

  6. Dear Friend,

    God is one.

    In Vedas , the Holy Scriptures (Srutis) of Sanatana Dharma, it is said clearly''  Ekoyam viprah bhuda vadanti''.

    There is only ONE god, the knowledgeable peoplcall HM by many names.

    All languages, all religions, all shapes and all that exist in Universe is HIM oe HE only.

    So do not entertain idea and descriminate as christian god , muslim god, hindu god etc etc.





  7. You have to be a Christian. Go to for an explanation of how to become a Christian.

  8. He hears all prayer.Perks?  

  9. God hears everyone. Your making it sound like a cell phone company with the perks part. If you have a real relationship with God, you will go to heaven when you die. God isn't like customer service, with the answer first part. He is so amazing that he hears everyone at the same time.

  10. Yes God receives all prayers.  For me, a Christian, no perks, not first or louder.  Just because I believe Jesus was here to teach, doesn't mean I believe no one else can be moral.

    The power of prayer is real no matter who puts it out there.

  11. He loves a broken and a contrite heart

    anyone who repents

  12. I don't see why not we're all his children.

  13. He hears, but also He is still waiting for you to make a step toward Him and to open the door that He keeps tapping on for you to finally invite Him into your heart.  (Romans 10:9-13)

  14. You have to be a believer.

    Become a Christian? You BECOME one. God doesn't force you silly!


  15. The thing is....since there is no "god", nobody is listening.  

  16. Maybe it's like an express lane.

  17. It's not a matter of "perks."  It's a matter of cleanliness and intent of the mind.

    God will hear a prayer of one sincerely asking Him to save the soul.

    If an unsaved person prays for anything other than to be saved, it will not be answered ("Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth." John 9:31).

    If you listen to a true Christian and believe the Scriptures, you will understand how to ask God to be saved ("We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error." 1 John 4:6).

    To become a Christian, simply recognize that you are a lost sinner, ask God (in prayer) to forgive you of your sin and save you.

    Personally, I prayed this, knowing I was a lost sinner.  I received no answer for many weeks.  One night as I was praying with desperation in my heart, God took that time to save me and let me know without a doubt He did.

    Please go to a Bible-believing church and talk to the pastor about salvation.  I most emphatically recommend a Baptist church, because the Baptist doctrine is strictly from the Bible.

  18. No he sends them straight to voicemail.

  19. yes, He hears your prayers.. Perks? I never thought of my being Christian a matter of having perks. But I guess it is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knowing that He loves me no matter what I do.

  20. God has to accept us before we can accept Him. And when He accepts us He knocks on the door. But it's up to you whether you choose Him as your Lord and Savior. If you choose Him He will hear you when you pray the prayer to be saved. Then after you accept Christ you must profess your faith to at least one person. If you are saved and there is unconfessed sin then you must be repent of those sins before you can be heard. Sin separates us from God. And yes I would say there are perks to being a Christian. The biggest perk is that Jesus paid for our sins so we would not have to. He died so we could have eternal life. He died so we would not to damned to h**l.

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