
Does God really exist or is just a pretext to justify our existence??

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Please explain what kind of life events can really show that he exists!




  1. God, like anything else, is a definition, a concept.  We develop concepts and definitions to serve different purposes for us, to make sense of things, to make predictions about things, to make it easier to think about things, to deny things, to comfort us etc.  Some concepts we develop seem to match reality pretty well, well enough that we can't perceive any deviation between the way we think about it and what happens in reality.  Time goes by and we start to believe that we finally understand reality perfectly, that our idea or concept is actual, physical reality.  And then we get some new information, become capable of new measurements, and we realize we were a little off or even completely wrong.

    I like the statement "all models(substitute concepts, definitions, or ideas) are wrong but some are useful".  So, yes, God can be a pretext to justify our existence.  It depends on how one defines God and what  purpose they are trying to serve with their idea of God.  I do think some people have an idea of God that closely matches their reality, while other's ideas seem more like pie-in-the-sky magical thinking.

    Wether a concept is just a useful concept or actual, physical reality, can never really be known for sure.  The bottom line is wether your idea of God works for you or not, wether it helps your life or wether it seems to bring more misery than joy.

  2. yes, god does exsist. how do you think the world was created and all the planets? they didn't just automatically appear out of nowhere, and they didn't magically form either. god made them. & how do you think adam and eve came to earth? they can't have just dropped from the sky or risen up out of the ground. because if they did, that's how all babies would be born. you know, all of the people that don't believe in god when the rapture comes will be left behind, and all of your friends that do believe in god will go to heaven with god, and you'll be left on earth to face seven years of tribulation with the anti christ. after the tribulation is over billions of people will have died because of the anti christ and only like 145, 000 people will be left. you should read these books LEFT BEHIND >THE KIDS< it's a series and it'll tell you all about that stuff. but, it's interesting, it tells you the story through four kids eyes.

  3. God exist in our life, It's like a wind, you can't see it but you believe that it is true. there are many proof that God exist like the everyday miracles in our life such as the sun rise in the morning and set in the afternoon, and the different events happen in our life and in nature are because of  God.

  4. Well, all things must exist for a reason.  Look around.  The chair you're sitting on had a maker, and so did this world.  Yes, Christianity justifies our existence, but it's not just a pretext.  As for life events, it's hard to explain.  Miracles happen everyday and turn around impossible circumstances, while children around the world are starving.  Why is this?  All I know is that God made a beautiful, complete, perfect world, and we messed it up.  My answer is that yes, God exists, and he works miracles everyday.  But in His kingdom, he first gives spiritually, and then the miracle conforms to flesh.  But most of the time, we want it in the flesh first and only.  God is Spirit and truth.  For the universe to form, that was a miracle.  For water and light to form, that was a miracle.  For there to be air and land to walk on, that was a miracle.  For there to be trees and plants, that was another miracle.  For there to be animals, that was a miracle.  But God's greatest creation was human life--for we were made in His image.  What you see now was formed by one miracle after the next--hundreds of thousands of billions of miracles.  And that doesn't happen by chance.  

  5. The fact that you, I, and everyone else on this planet exists. Maybe you just need to put your faith in check.

  6. This is a type of question that could make some people angry...oh well!

    If you will notice, most faiths have some sort of god; in fact, almost all do. Naturally, it is the defenition of god that varies from religion to religion. Christians believe in Christ, Muslims in Muhhamad, (excuse the spelling), and Jews believe god has yet to come. However, the chances of someone sitting on the clouds is very unlikely. God in my opinion is the supreme force that powers us and enables us to live. What is the energy that all living things have? Scientists have yet to discover it, and will never be able to....for it is a gross matter, something that is not physical, and something that cannot be analyzed. Your current defenition of god is what shapes your question...the fact that you immediately refer to God as a "he" shows you have some sort of image already...certainly, there are many unexplainable events that have occured, from coming back from the dead to walking on water, but in my opinion, God is what enables the black cow to eat green grass and make white milk-(swami Chinmayananda)  

  7. For me it came down to tow logical choices.  

    If man created the idea of God then a disbeliever would show how God could not exist right then.  Pure and simple.

    If God created man then man would have no excuse not to believe in God.  Not even a disbeliever could say God does not exist.  His only choice is to ignore or reject God's existence.

    Those are the only two choices one has.

    I believe the Bible's interpretation since it started with man's first parents Adam and Eve who knew without a doubt that God did exist.  And their children knew it as well.  In fact they are the source as to why the knowledge of God and spiritual reality are reasonable explanations for why life and existence is.

    Finally I have accepted God into my life so for me it's a daily experience through Jesus Christ.

  8. sadly I feel the same way. I don't know what to believe.

  9. he exists, he doesnt have to prove anything to anybody...its the faith you need to have that he believes...if you dont believe on judgment day you wont be going up to the gates of heaven wit him

  10. The fact of the matter is...there is no proof. This is about science or proof, this is about faith. It's something you have to believe in.

  11. There is no proof of god.  Some people interpret things they see in nature as proof, but there really just isn't any evidence for it, which is why I do not believe.  Take a course in Philosophy of Religion if you'd like to really explore all the rationale for and against the belief in god.

  12. I suggest you research arguments for the existence of God (Try reading Aquinas, Anselm or one of the many others who formulated such arguments).

    Try thinking about something obvious, like this:

    If we exist then it would make sense that we are some sort of effect, meaning that there must be a cause (as all effects obviously come from causes). It can be said that God is this cause (the cause of everything existing). You might say that this is not really a convincing argument because it assumes that God exists to create something, but the whole point is that there must be a first cause, something that causes everything else. You cannot say there is an infine string of causes because there must be something which began them all (the 'string' would have to be caused by something and the cause must already exist to cause the 'string of future causes', but how can anything exist without a creator (a causer)? Thus, there must be a base, a first cause where everything starts (where this string of causes and effects begins) and this 'base' can be called God.

    A simple way to put this:

    There must be an eternal being who is the base of the causes, the first cause, for any future causes and effects to exist ( We, and everything that exists, are effects produced by the first cause).

  13. In my opinion "He" doesn't. I have read numerous books and have done plenty of research to have lead to Atheism. Seeing as how most people aren't theoretical physicists, or even know much of anything in this field of science, it is probably somewhat of a challenge grasping the concept of infinity through mathematical perspectives. Once the concept of infinity is understood, one could be able to see that it's quite possible that the universe does not have a starting point. Hence it does not have a "Creator." It has always been and always will be in existence. However, if sometime in the future it is scientifically proven that the universe does have a starting point, there is always the Big Bang Theory to help illustrate the beginning of the universe without a "Creator."  

    When it comes to the origins of the universe, as you can see, I am not sure myself, but when it comes to the formations of the planets any legitimite astronomer will tell you they are the leftovers of space debris.  The reason there is air to breath is because of the atmosphere.  The reason there is land to walk on is, like I said before, because of the formation of the planet some four and a half billion years ago (and yes this is scientifically proven to be true).  The reason ther is light is because of photons radiating outward from the sun that formed around the same time as the Earth.  The reason ther is water water is because of the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.

    So you see the Earth was not formed six thousand years ago with only two bengs on it (Adam and Eve) as a certain literary article claims it to be.  Any scientist could literally prove this to you.  I'm not saying that religion is wrong in every aspect.  I'm just trying to say that you have to be open to other, and at times more legitimate, possibilities other than, "How else could this have occured?" and, "There is no other logical explanation."  I respect other people's opinions and if you want to be believe, go for it.  I just hope I have unlaced some shoes for you to be placed in to see things a little more open mindedly.

  14. im kinda sick of seeing this question.

    so i will give a quick list


    1. if there is a god, then all scientific research and study trying to disprove him is pointless and if there is even a slight chance that there is a god then all studies are instantly void as he can sway the results anyway he wants

    (ie. he could completely reverse gravity and we would be none the wiser simply because he willed it so)

    2. both religion AND science will always begin and end with the same question.... "well where did the first thing come from?" but only religion has a straight answer (because he's god and is all powerful, and by definition does not need a creator)

    to answer your question and give an example of life events that prove he exists:

    1. the fact that everything exists.

    2. the fact that everything is 50/50 odds... nothing created randomly is that blunt and simple

  15. Yes he exists. I saw him at the grocery store yesterday.

  16. Hate to say it, but God doesn't exist.

    He's there just to prove your existence.

    Love, the Fortune Cookie ♥

  17. well he dosnt exist but his spirit exists and i think that there is proof

    every once in a while youll here something one the news like a tree or a wall stain looks like jesus

  18. Do you wish to only look at one side of the coin? If not, when priests had been molesting children for decades and God never intervened, atheism grew.

  19. Every design has a designer right?  Suppose the "barbarians" of back in the day simply presumed that there must have been a God that created them.  Now, today we can see the intelligent design of the human body... can your conscience really leave the complexity of the human body up to chance.  The thing about Creation Science and the Evolution Theory is that both cannot be be proven and both seem to have justifiable refutes, therefore it takes faith to believe in either of them.  Some people choose to believe in God's existence for the fear of the unknown such as the question of life after death.  But God does exists, He's visible in creation, and He works or has worked in every person's life and given them a chance to choose Him.

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