
Does God really sent any book to us?

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Does God really sent any book to us?




  1. the bible!

    and it will answer the ff:

    What Is the Purpose of Life?

    You can enjoy a purposeful life

    Perhaps now more than at any other time in mankind's history, people are trying to find out what life is all about. Many ask themselves, 'Why am I living? How can I find meaning in my life?' Various circumstances prompt them to raise these questions.

    An individual's life may be shattered by a personal tragedy. For instance, early in 1998 a 12-year-old girl living in Bavaria, Germany, was kidnapped and murdered. One year later, her mother admitted that she spends each day searching for a purpose in life—to no avail. Some young people are moved to wonder about the meaning of life. They search for security, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging, only to despair at the widespread hypocrisy and corruption. Other individuals build their lives around a career, but they discover that power, prestige, and possessions fail to satisfy the inner yearning to find a reason for their existence.

    Whatever moves a person to inquire about the purpose of life, this question warrants a serious and satisfying answer. Once again, the Bible can be of great benefit. It identifies Jehovah as a God of purpose, one who has sound reasons for everything he does. We ask, Would you construct a house without having a reason? Likely not, since building a house requires a huge investment of money and can take months or years. You build a house so that you or someone else can live in it. The same logic can be applied to Jehovah. He did not go to all the trouble of creating the earth and the living things upon it without having a reason, a purpose. (Compare Hebrews 3:4.) What is his purpose for the earth?

    The prophecy of Isaiah identifies Jehovah as "the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it." Indeed, he is "the One who firmly established [the earth], who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited." (Isaiah 45:18) Yes, ever since the earth was created, it has been Jehovah's purpose to have it inhabited. Says Psalm 115:16: "As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." Thus the Bible shows that Jehovah created the earth to be inhabited by obedient humans, who would take care of it.—Genesis 1:27, 28.

    Did the rebellion of Adam and Eve cause Jehovah to change his purpose? No. How can we be so sure? Well, consider this point: The Bible was written thousands of years after the rebellion in Eden. If God had abandoned his original purpose, why is that not mentioned in the Bible? The obvious conclusion is that his purpose for the earth and mankind remains unchanged.

    Moreover, Jehovah's purpose never fails. Through Isaiah, God provides this assurance: "Just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it."—Isaiah 55:10, 11.

    What God Expects of Us

    Clearly, then, we can have confidence in the fulfillment of God's purpose to have the earth inhabited forever by obedient humans. If we are to be among those privileged to live permanently on earth, we must do what wise King Solomon said: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man."—Ecclesiastes 12:13; John 17:3.

    Living in harmony with Jehovah's purpose for mankind means getting to know the true God and conforming to his requirements as set out in the Holy Scriptures. If we do this now, we can entertain the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth, in which we will never cease to learn new things about God and his wonderful creation. (Luke 23:43) What a thrilling prospect!

    Many who search for a purpose in life turn to the Bible and find great happiness right now. For instance, a young man named Alfred could find no meaning in life. The involvement of religion in war disgusted him, and he was upset at the hypocrisy and corruption in politics. Alfred visited Indians of North America in the hope of gaining enlightenment about life's purpose, only to return to Europe disappointed. In despair, he turned to drugs and wild music. However, a regular and careful examination of the Bible later helped Alfred to recognize the true purpose of life and to find contentment.

    A Dependable Light to Our Roadway

    What, then, can we conclude about the Bible? Is it relevant today? It is, indeed, because it offers guidance on current issues. The Bible explains that wickedness is not of God's making and helps us to find a satisfying purpose in life. Furthermore, the Bible has much to say on other matters that are of great interest today. Such topics a

  2. Huh?  I'm not exactly sure what you are asking.

  3. Ah! 2 Timothy 3:16 " All scripture is inspired of God",  of course the bible is from God.

  4. Is there a stamp of approval in your bible?

  5. Ya.. Grammar 101.. You obviously missed out.

  6. Does you speak english?

  7. no i expect an email instead

  8. Yes, and it is called "The Holy Bible".

  9. Hi, like me, make so many typos it's not funny, doesn't reflect on your intelligence, God did write the book through mankind, the scribes, Moses the list is long, what a wonderful book it is, as important to me today as it was when first written, when u read the books of the Bible, sometimes it makes sense, sometimes not, when it doesn't, then there comes the time for research and study to discern the truth. It is truly the Inspired word of God, as most of the guys back then were not learned ppl.

  10. Yes He did/does.

  11. I'm hoping it's just that English is your second language, and I'll help you out. You are trying to ask;

    Did God really send a book to us?

    The answer is yes. God sent every book to us. People don't know how to create and send books, so God does it for us.

    All books come from God. God is in the publishing business.

    Did you ever see a book? If you have, that's proof of the existence of God. Even atheist books are written, published and delivered by God, because She loves the controversy.

    Did I mention God was a woman?

  12. yes read it and u wouldnt have to ask that ?

  13. it was put together by man.

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