
Does God think it's wrong that I would so totally hit Sarah Palin?

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I mean, that is a fine woman.




  1. she is over twice my age, but i say she is doable


  2. Just because you are jelous that someone else is cute and you are not does not give you the right to kick, hit, bit or karate chop anyone else.  Yes God thinks it is a sin!!!

  3. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.


    Oh, WTF; I'd hit it too.  

  4. Yeah, i would shag her too... after being with me for one night.. she would be a

  5. Well, because that's sin (as it were) and every thought of your heart is only evil continually?

  6. nice........

  7. I am glad you think she is a hot piece of venison, but let's wait and see how you feel about her after she chews up and spits out Joe Biden.

  8. I've heard her referred to as "nasty-Librarian hot"...

    I have to agree!

    I'd like to see her with her hair down...

  9. yeah, she's hot. kinda crazy too, being a pro-lifer and an NRA member and all of that, but that's the way I like 'em. ........crazy

  10. Do it! Do it!

  11. No. She's an ID proponent, after all.

  12. Nah.

  13. Really? I think she's okay, but in a very soccer mom sort of way. Maybe I haven't seen the right picture of her. Of course, I am a girl so maybe she just doesn't do it for me.  

  14. Do you mean hit on? I hope your not going to hit her! Yes, God knows that's totally wrong! God bless!

  15. Being lustful is a sin, but I think it would also depend  on how righteously you walk in the light of the Lord i.e. King David

    EDIT: I'm back, just talked to the Lord, he said, "You" were "No" David, ....yes you are wrong.

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