
Does Google Earth work on my pc...?

by Guest67074  |  earlier

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I have a windows 95 and i need google earth for my pc..does google earth have a version for windows 95 and if so where can i get it downloaded at?




  1. No its only available for windows 98 and up, or Mac. Just install windows 98

  2. This may help.

  3. No you can't install Google Earth on 95.

    Even for XP you need atleast 256 MB RAM and I consider that Google Earth requires lot of memory and it will consume more bandwidth.

  4. omg google earth is the best thing ever i love it so much♥

  5. if you have internet download xp at or just download google earth it should work it say works on all windows.

  6. i love google earth its so kool!

  7. Even Microsoft don't support Windows 95, so why would Google?

    Get XP dude!

  8. no sorry u at least need  a windows 2000

    Minimum Configuration:

        * Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP

        * Pentium 3, 500Mhz

        * 128M RAM

        * 400MB disk space

        * Network speed: 128Kbits/sec

        * 3D-capable video card with 16Mbytes of VRAM

        * 1024x768, '16-bit High Color' screen

    if u don't believe me go here  

  9. I seriously doubt it.

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