
Does Gov. Palin believe in the commandment "thou shall not lie"?

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"I told Congress 'thanks but no thanks' but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere," she said.

Governor Sarah Palin supported the bridge, but canceled it when the Alaska delegation was unable to prevent Alaska from having to pay for some of the bridge's cost




  1. Here are 76 verifiable lies that the Chosen One has told over the last couple of years.\

  2. lol she was talking about earmarks that senators can get for their state..u know pork,money they waste on things they dont really need.   McCain/Palin 08

  3. No politician beleives in that commandment.

  4. Changing her postion after more information is not a lie.

    No according to repubs its flip flopping, she's a flip flopper thats the worst kind of politition. How can a repub support a flip flopper? Will she flip on abortion? Will she flip flop on everything?

  5. a lying hockey mom

  6. So she got more facts and made a different decision.  That's her job.

  7. Politicians change their stance all the time.  I wouldn't consider her a liar and I am not voting for McCain.  You can't just keep attacking people because they are not who you are voting for.  

  8. "To answer that question with specificity is above my pay grade"

    What shoe-shining communist uttered that intellectual gem?

    You guessed it. your baby killer nominee Obama.

    So in the give and take process of deciding whether or not to seek funding

    for this bridge, she ultimately decided against it. See? As opposed to a lib who would vote for it, fight for it, get it, then deny it, then blame Bush for it. See the difference?  

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