
Does Guitar Center not barter anymore?

by  |  earlier

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I went to GC the other day because my friend was buying a new bass. He had to pay full sticker because they told him they no longer bargained, and everything is a fixed price. Is this just a local thing or for all Guitar Centers? I can't imagine why one would be different than all the others...




  1. I think it's just a new thing they do because GC is getting so big and becoming such a franchise. They can't barter because they are a big business now and not just some local store.

    but it is pretty lame.

  2. It really depends on what you're trying to trade these days. If it was a 59' Les Paul or an old Vox amp that was worth alot of money, I guarantee they'd barter for it. The whole thing boils down to supply and demand.

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