
Does Gustav provide Republicans an excuse not to attend the Convention and political cover?

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Several GOP incumbent senators announced there no show before Gustav, but will Gustav provide others with the excuse they needed to duck out?

Republican officials have encouraged candidates to focus first on winning their own elections. But an aide to a Republican senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, offered another reason for the no-shows.

"The party brand is in tatters," said the aide. "The president is highly unpopular. There doesn't seem to be much excitement around the candidate. And there's a real fear of being tagged with the Republican label and being seen with George Bush.",0,4256477.story




  1. Ya, because we can control nature.

    While we're on the subject, can you tell me why Katrina was Bush's fault?

    What you won't stoop to for badmouthing people.

    Don't you feel just a little bad and sad about what is about to happen with Gustav? Because I think a lot of other people do.

    I guess that other people don't feel bad or sad.

    Pray, if you believe.

  2. Another drama seeker, looking for a 'fix" and using the liberal LA Times as a "credible"source. If they go, they're criticized, if they do not, they're criticized. From the dysfunctional party, of course!

  3. Bush and Cheney are slated for Day One. Knowing the public's media-induced short attention span, I'm thinking they want to get them out of the way as quick as possible.

    It's not a pleasant situation to be in...the biggest liability the GOP has right now is its executive...and they have been distancing themselves from him as much as possible in their campaign...but you can't have the President NOT speak...can you?

    I wouldn't be putting the blame on Gustav, I think the McCain camp is resigned to the fatc that Bush has to be there...but man I'll bet they wish they didn't have to have him there at all.  

  4. Gustav is Cyndi McCains --- personal trainer ------  ummm  ahhhh !!

    yeah baby !!!!

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