
Does HAIRCUT define our place in society?

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I've noticed most blue-collar joes where I live have very short haircuts, or if they are bald they just shave the whole head. They also wear more hats (often tilted).

Management, white-collar types tend to have hair, while not hippie-long, is grown out a bit more. Think ancient Roman statues and their hair.

I go to regular barbers, but always notice they ask occupation before cutting. They take out the scissors for me but the buzzer for most other people.

How does haircut play a role in our advancement in society? Maybe I should start reading GQ to get ideas. Thanks for your thoughtful answers.




  1. It definitely helps stereotype others. It's the clothes for your head. I know when I'm going in for a job interview or out somewhere I make sure my hair looks healthy and polished so I put off a good impression.

    So, yeah, haircut does define us. It's sad but true.

  2. I don't think your haircut defines your place in society. I think it's more the person that defines their place in society. Maybe people who are drawn to certain occupations tend to prefer to wear their hair differently. A guy with a blue-collar job may have an easier time dealing with his hair short, while a guy with a traditional white-collar job might prefer to wear his hair a bit longer because his job duties are such that he doesn't have to worry about it getting messed up all the time. I really don't think a haircut plays a role in a person's advancement in society. It's just a result of someone's personal tastes and lifestyle.  Aside from that, I think you're better off with the scissors than the buzzer. You just don't seem the sort for a buzz haircut. I think you should keep your hair kind of like it is in your caricature.

  3. I think it may not be the haircut that defines your place in society, but your place in society that defines your haircut.  I know of instances where friends were asked to get a haircut when they got a new job, or they felt that they were expected to do so.  I also think certain personality types may be drawn to certain careers.  And those careers can define what is a practical or acceptable hair style.

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