
Does HARMD realize that when A benzo is mixed with Methadone, it is the Benzo that kills the person?

by Guest63734  |  earlier

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Does HARMD realize that when A benzo is mixed with Methadone, it is the Benzo that kills the person?




  1. HARMD only realizes what they want to realize. I have been saying this forever but most don't listen. I was really upset today to read a story about a man who died after taking Methadone and Xanax. The woman who sold him the Methadone is facing LIFE in prison for murder charges while the woman who sold him the Xanax was only looking at 4 years! I think when you buy drugs and overdose YOU and nobody else should be held accountable but Gee Wiz...Life vs. 4 Years? C'Mon. You can read the story at...

    Also, I have a website devoted to Methadone education if you want to visit at

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