
Does HD Radio really work?

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Just wondering...




  1. Depends who you ask.  Rich people that dropped a load to have it in their cars, homes , whatever will tell you its the greatest thing ever.  Programmers of AM stations will tell you it's going to save radio and change it for the better . . .

    Personally, I think its a load of c**p.  I live in a fairly large city but i wasnt impressed by it,  the quality is basically the same and most of the small band stations where i live are in spanish . . so, no good for the SW, at the very least.

    Im also hoping satellite radio wears thin, as i like my job and would like to keep it :)

  2. Experts I've been hearing from is that HD works, quality can be better at times, but basically you have to live with 20 miles of the transmitter sometimes for it to work as the stations seem to loose out very quickly and the interference issue that is apparent on adjacent channels

    Basically what's on HD, you already hear... Most stations have what is on HD streamed on the website

    In fact Clear Channel has most of it's HD stations (the stations that are on the signal in addition to the clearer normal signal) streaming online.... check out this site for more

    Sat radio is here for people wanting more choice but I haven't been tempted to pay $12.95 to gain maybe 3 or 4 channels I want to hear so far.. plus as I have stated elsewhere before..when they get more people, they will start slowly adding ads as they are following Cable tvs business model to a T

    And Duh, new people are getting into radio.. just that all want to make the big bucks on a name brand station in a top market.... the new training ground, unless the station runs a "off-the bird" syndicated format to cut costs, are stations in small markets of say 500,000 people or less with most being in the 100,000 people range. I know of one former PD who actually asked on air and on trade sites looking for people to come to his station to train... money wasn't there (starting wages as you were training) but station was #3 in ratings in a 75,000 people market (a top-40 station behind the local country music stations) and two of the former djs went on to become regional morning show hosts being beamed back now into their former market..go figure

  3. Ahhhh HD. The savior of terrestrial radio. NOT!

    I'm expecitng the same incredible reaction that we got to AM Stereo.

    Does it work? Technically it works in the daytime - if you can find it.

    But at night - Ha!

    About 99% of stations using HD were allowed to extend their signal to night-time last week. About 98.5% of them backed off two days into it because of --- interference.

    HD is going to become a spectacular, expensive joke, IMHO, because it's not enough, too little too late, too hard to deal with, market and hear.

    They let the engineers set this deal up without consultation with the programmers and marketing people and made some bad decisions. Nothing we can go into in this forum, too lengthy and technical. But do a search for "HD radio problems" without the quotes. See what you find. Oy!

    Honestly, I hate to say it, as a 40 year radio vet, but I'd go with satellite right now. I rarely listen to local radio anymore. Isn't that sad? Breaks my heart. Where's the new Wolfman Jack, Jackson Armstrong, Dan Ingram Bob Morgan? Even Rick Dees, Casey Kasem, Ryan (this is hard to say) Seacrest? and some of the younger jox - who's going to replace them on consolidated, cue-card, multi-station, voice tracked, National/Regional consolidated radio? There is no training program in place.

    We get all sorts of inquiries on this very board asking "How do I get into radio?" Young people are still interested. Radio operators couldn't be bothered. They're public companies now, veddy important, you know, on Wall Street...

    There are some exceptions. If you're serious, check out the scholarship/internship program below.

    And take my toasted words with a grain of salt, there are still some good guys in the biz - harder to find them, though.

    Wait a minute. Was your question about HD? Yeah, technically it works sometimes.

    -a guy named duh

  4. Yep its great - 2 to 3 times the stations or more and the clarity is better then a cd.  This is my opinion.

  5. In a way yes, in a way no. HD Radio improves sound quality. However, It doesn't always get a better signal and you still may not be able to pick up your favorite station as well. And  not all areas have hidden channels. As of right now only big cities have hidden stations. If you are serious into radio I highly recommend XM Satellite radio.

  6. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it's a waste of money. It's like the 3d audio c**p that people were trying to sell in the 80's. Lame!

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