
Does HHO technology work to increase mpg?

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Will this new technology work?




  1. It is all BS.  Most people who says they got better MPG don't know how to measure their MPG accurately anyway.

    SCAM !!!!  I read extensively about it and the science is ALL WRONG.  I studied chemistry in school so I know.

    Even if you don't understand the science behind it to know, ask yourself this one simple question: if these devices worked, why don't the car companies install them at the factory and sell more cars?

    Because they don't work...

    Good Luck...

  2. Yes, I bought a kit from and got a 30% increase in mpg!

  3. Theres a bunch of news story videos from reputable news stations like CNN on the site . I didn't really believe until I saw those videos

  4. Yes it is a scam of gigantic proportions.

    And SA K, there is *plenty* of proven scientific evidence to debunk the claims made by the HHO scammers, just check out the website I provide a link to below.  The truth is there.

    Don't waste money on these scams, they're just a giant fraud designed to do nothing but empty the wallets of the gullible who don't understand the *true* science involved.

    Check out the links below for the truth about the scams and the reasons why this fraudulent HHO stuff simply can not work.

    LATE UPDATE: Today we fitted a small gasoline-powered generator with an "HHO" system and conducted three sets of test-runs, each repeated three times using a carefully measured 100ml of gasoline..

    The first test was with the generator in standard configuration (unmodified) delivering power to a 500W load. It ran for an averaged time of 7 minutes and 34 seconds.

    The second test was powering up the "HHO" system but using an external 12V source to run the electrolysis cell.  This produced an average run-time of 7 minutes and 45 seconds, an improvement of 2% over the unassisted runs.

    The third test was with the electrolysis cell being powered by the generator itself.  The averaged run-time was just 6 minutes and 30 seconds, a reduction in fuel-effiency of a staggering 14 percent.

    As was expected, the addition of a small amount of hydrogen allowed the generator to run longer, when the electrolysis cell was externally powered -- since it had more *total* fuel to burn (the gasoline *and* the hydrogen).  And, as was also expected, when it was powered by the generator itself, the extra load placed on the generator by the need to run the electrolysis cell used far more energy than was returned by the hydrogen generated or the supposed improvement in combustion efficiency it should have produced.

    In these tests, the real-world measurements tallied precisely with what is predicted by the laws of physics.

    Since I doubt any of the scammers will believe this, I'll be repeating the tests and video-taping them for all to see.  Then what will they say?

  5. Why people who claim it's a SCAM - never show you any evidence ???

    I also thought it's a scam after reading on until last month I was on the business trip to CA(Los Angeles) and stop by there all water for gas entrepreneurs get together. What I saw is blow my mind.

    So many people already installed this and saving money as we speak. Some people installed this on brand new cars!!!

    And for you people who said it's not possible in theory why don't you find at least one person who installed this and try to argue with that person.

    May be not all systems are the same, but so many people I've seen with this system - can't be wrong.

    I finally find a guy who installed on my car, but my savings not much (about 15-20%) yet, because I installed simple 1 canister device without any electronics. But I'm working on the next step... good luck

    BTW... who posted "there is no scientific evidence...SCAM..." - watch video on FAQ page how Japanese company just created real 100% water car !!!

    Also watch a video interview of VP of Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Inc. - they already do business worldwide.

    And this is not a spam, it's from Reuters News.

  6. Yes.

    There are different types of HHO generators... most people build their own. Anyway, I've tripled my gas mileage.

    Don't pay any attention to these people who say it can't be done. Sure the end results can be argued to death - but the fact is that HHO will combust in your engine and will reduce gas mileage. Anyone who says it can't - they haven't tried it and apparently lack the education.

    If you are really interested I recommend you construct a simple generator and test it out for yourself. You can easily find plans and instructions on youtube or other sites out there WITHOUT having to pay some bogus price just to get info on the very simple process.  

    Go for it, you've got nothing to lose but time.

  7. Yes it does work, I have it on my car, to tell you the truth i got help with the installation from a mechanic because I know nothing about car mechanics. I do know some chemistry and this is an experiment called the electrolysis, it uses electricity some kind of salt(soda ash) to break down water into two gases of which one is hydrogen and the other is an oxygen gas, the hydrogen is used to supplement the burning process of your gas or diesel fuel and thus in the process it increases a cars gas mileage. Now, about me I am saving around $80 a week on gas and I only drive my car to buy groceries and to work so others might save more. More over the conversion websites say that the your cars gas mileage increases anywhere from 30 to 50 % mine is like 23% but my mechanic said that alot depends on the assemblage of this. For anyone who wishes to assemble such a converter on your car I would suggest to go to a website that rates the different conversion guides out there ( thats what I did).

    This is the website I got redirected to:

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