
Does HOMEOPATHY really work?

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Does HOMEOPATHY really work?




  1. the idea of homeopathy is about 200 years old and comes from Europe and was first developed by Sir Samuel Hahnemann that claimed: similar cures similar (homeo)

    but the idea of dilution is different:

    it claims that the "energy" that a chemical has can be stored by the liquid it is diluted in, or the chemical structure is "remembered" in the configuration of the diluted liquid's molecules and now this "energy" can be delivered to a user that is able to "read" and "act" in conform to the initial chemical's properties.

    if the chemical was a poison like Arsenic the body will respond with all its power to detoxify itself from the poison, however this chemical "Arsenic" was only the "image" of the real stuff and there for the detox chain triggered cleanses the body and there is no "real" chemical challenge and the poisoning is saved

    this process then used for all other chemicals can become a non-challenge drug system for all diseases.

    it works when you know what you are doing, it was tested by medical research:

  2. Only if you believe that it does.

  3. Yes it does. But not for everything! The other day I got a customer who ask me to help him with his speech problem. He did suffer from a heavy stutter and asked me for a homoeopathic remedy. I wish  to be so omnipotent.

  4. yes it does work, but somethings do need alopathic treatment as well. for people that say its a placebo...WHATEVER go get your facts straight! you dont need to "believe" it works to have it work, I'm used homeopathy for my animals on a number of occasions by putting the remedy in their water, and they 9/10 times get better almost instantly, now don't tell me my animals "believed" it would work! they didnt even know i was giving them anything! people can be so narrow minded!!!!! once upon a time the world was flat???? just because at this point in time science doesnt know "how" homeopathy works doesnt mean it doesnt!

  5. it worked for my brother's asthma...

    it worked for an old lady's breast cancer...(she died at 90, because she stopped taking the medicine 2 years ago)

    i sure do hope it works for me...

  6. Depends on the severity of your condition, and what your trying to cure.

  7. Take in consideration it's NOT a Fast, Miracle "worker".

  8. the most straightforward and true answer: NO.

  9. It does for me. When I first started taking it I thought it was herbal, not realizing what homeopathy was. It worked right away, so it wasn't as though I "believed it would work" because I didn't understand the way it worked in the first place. I use it for bruises, menstrual cramps, leg cramps, headaches, and back pain. Never had any problems.

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