
Does Halo 2 & 3 come in playstation 2 platform?

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When I searched on Amazon I only saw Halo 2 & 3 for xbox. I want to buy one the playstation 2 format for my son. Thanks!




  1. Xbox only man, Microsoft bought the company that makes it.

  2. okay i was going to call you an idiot for not knowing this but i won't cause you apparently are an adult. Halo 1,2 and 3 can only be played on an xbox. sorry

    EDIT: if you have a pc you can get halo 1 and 2 for your computer, which is actually better than on an xbox. halo 3 will come to the pc later on

  3. no sorry. halo 2 work only for xbox,pc, and xbox 360, and halo 3 works for xbox 360 only. there is no way to play it on playstion 2 or any other systems

  4. No halo 2 is a exclusive xbox which mean it won't never or ever come out for the ps2 while halo 3 is one xbox 360 and also a exclusive but I don't think the ps2 can Handel a game that xbox 360 as the xbox 360 is way stronger than the ps2 so the answer to both of you questions is no

  5. no

  6. No, those are Xbox exclusives.

  7. no but you can try to hack it search it on google to find out how

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