
Does Having s*x A Lot Cause Low Sperm Count?

by Guest61212  |  earlier

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Does Having s*x A Lot Cause Low Sperm Count?




  1. NO but not having s*x for several days can raise it .  


  3. I read a scientific article that presented findings that having s*x a lot does not decrease sperm count and decrease chances of conceiving. A lot of people think if you have s*x too much, then you will end up with less sperm making its way to the egg - this is apparently been proven wrong. The more you have s*x the better. Although it couldn't hurt holding off for a few days before your fertile time then going for it when you know you may be ovulating!!

  4. to tell u the truth they use to say it does but recently scienctist says it does not lower the count however to have very high count its best to wait a few days but docs kno now that it doesnt really lower it. and u can google it  

  5. yeah . doing it day after day after day creates a low sperm count . then , if you dont do it for a while .. it becomes a high sperm count .  

  6. If you're trying to have a baby , its best to have s*x every few days ... sperm has to reach the egg  

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