
Does Hayley Williams smoke cigarettes?

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  1.  lol guys that's a gum

  2. who cares!?what a bunch of SAD people.Please,,,

  3. this question was on chacha, and they said yea, she does smoke and is very ashamed of it, and tries to hide it by smoking in bathrooms and such.

  4. this question was on chacha, and they said yea, she does smoke and is very ashamed of it, and tries to hide it by smoking in bathrooms and such.

  5. No, she is an amazing singer and songwriter and would never jeopardize her voice by smoking.

  6. I'd like to think not, But who wants to think that their idol has such a disgusting habbit? If she does, she hides it fairly well, and has an amazing voice for a smoker (I'm not saying she doesn't have an awesome voice for a non-smoker).

  7. yes she smokes cigarettes, she is ashamed of this and tries to conceal her habit by smoking in the bathroom. i was trained by brett and i smoke

  8. She wouldn't. Brett manning teaches her, she would'nt dare smoke for vocal reasons!

  9. who cares?

  10. she doesnt she knows that she has fans it could encourage her fans to smoke also she knows its wrong.

  11. idk but this picture makes me think she does. cause it looks like shes smoking to me.

  12. NO!

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